randomForestSRC (version 2.5.0)

quantileReg: Quantile Regression Forests


Determines the conditional quantiles for a regression forest. Applies to both univariate and multivariate forests. Can be used for both training and testing purposes.


# S3 method for rfsrc
quantileReg(obj, oob = TRUE, prob = (1:10) / 10, newdata = NULL)



A previously grown forest.


Return OOB (out-of-bag) quantiles? If false, in-bag values are returned.


Target quantile probabilities.


Test data (optional) over which conditional quantiles are evaluated over.


Conditional quantiles and densitites are returned for each data point in the training set, or if a test set is provided, the values are returned for each data point in the test data. If more than one target outcome is available, the returned object will be a list of length equal to the number of targets.


Given a regression forest, or a multivariate forest with at least one regression outcome, returns the conditional quantiles for the target outcomes. Also returns the conditional density, which can be used to calculate conditional moments, such as the mean and standard deviation.


Meinshausen N. (2006) Quantile Regression Forests, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7:983--999.

See Also



Run this code
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## regression example
## ------------------------------------------------------------

## grow call, followed by quantileReg call
o <- rfsrc(mpg ~ ., mtcars)
qo <- quantileReg(o, prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))

## calculate the conditional mean, compare to OOB predicted value
c.mean <- qo$density %*% qo$yunq
print(data.frame(c.mean = c.mean, pred.oob = o$predicted.oob))

## calculate conditional standard deviation
c.std <- sqrt(qo$density %*% qo$yunq^2 - c.mean ^ 2)
quant <- qo$quantile
colnames(quant) <- paste("q", 100 * qo$prob, sep = "")
print(data.frame(quant, c.std))

## ------------------------------------------------------------
## train/test regression example
## ------------------------------------------------------------

## grow call, followed by quantileReg call
o <- rfsrc(mpg ~ ., mtcars[1:20,])
qo <- quantileReg(o, newdata = mtcars[-(1:20),], prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))

## calculate test set conditional mean and standard deviation
c.mean <- qo$density %*% qo$yunq
c.std <- sqrt(qo$density %*% qo$yunq^2 - c.mean ^ 2)
quant <- qo$quant
colnames(quant) <- paste("q", 100 * qo$prob, sep = "")
print(data.frame(quant, c.mean, c.std))

## ------------------------------------------------------------
## multivariate mixed outcomes example
## ------------------------------------------------------------

dta <- mtcars
dta$cyl <- factor(dta$cyl)
dta$carb <- factor(dta$carb, ordered = TRUE)
o <- rfsrc(cbind(carb, mpg, cyl, disp) ~., data = dta)
qo <- quantileReg(o)


## ------------------------------------------------------------
## quantile regression plot for Boston Housing data
## ------------------------------------------------------------

if (library("mlbench", logical.return = TRUE)) {

  ## apply quantile regression to Boston Housing data
  o <- rfsrc(medv ~ ., BostonHousing)
  qo <- quantileReg(o, prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))

  ## quantile data for plotting 
  quant.dat <- qo$quant
  y <- o$yvar

  ## quantile regression plot
  plot(range(y), range(quant.dat), xlab = "y",
       ylab = ".25-.75 Quantiles", type = "n")
  jitter.y <- jitter(y, 10)
  points(jitter.y, quant.dat[, 2], pch = 15, col = 4, cex = 0.75)
  segments(jitter.y, quant.dat[, 2], jitter.y, quant.dat[, 1], col = "grey")
  segments(jitter.y, quant.dat[, 2], jitter.y, quant.dat[, 3], col = "grey")
  points(jitter.y, quant.dat[, 1], pch = "-", cex = 1)
  points(jitter.y, quant.dat[, 3], pch = "-", cex = 1)
  abline(0, 1, lty = 2, col = 2)


# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab