quarrint (version 1.0.0)

quarries: Quarries and Groundwater Interaction


Each record of the data frame details a quarry and a groudwater as well as their level of interaction. This level of interaction correspond to the environmental risk, or potential impact of the quarry on the regional hydrology.

Depending on the parameters of the quarry and the groundwater, there will be a low, medium, high or very high level of interaction. Hence, the interaction determines the level of investigation of the feasibility study to undertake before considering any extension of the quarry:

  • low hydrogeology characterization;
  • medium low + piezometric monitoring;
  • high medium + steady state (static) mathematical model;
  • very high high + transient state (dynamic) mathematical model.

The 6 retained parameters are grouped in 2 categories:

  • the geological, hydrogeological and piezometric contexts defining the hazard that a quarry represents;
  • the relative position of the quarry and the water catchments, the production of the catchments and the potential quality of the groundwater characterising the vulnerability of the groundwater resources.

Each of those parameters is classified into 4 modalities.





A data frame with 3327 observations on the following 36 variables.


Deparment of Geology, University of Namur, Namur, Belgium - https://www.unamur.be/en/sci/geology


Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Collier L., Hallet,V., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A. (2016) Interaction prediction between groundwater and quarry extension using discrete choice models and artificial neural networks Environmental Earth Sciences (in press)

Collier, L., Barthelemy, J., Carletti, T., Moriame, M., Sartenaer, A., Hallet, V. (2015) Calculation of an Interaction Index between the Extractive Activity and Groundwater Resources Energy Procedia 76, 412-420


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# histogram of INTERACTION levels

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