oce (version 1.1-1)

read.adp.rdi: Read a Teledyne/RDI ADP File


Read a Teledyne/RDI ADCP file (called 'adp' in oce).


read.adp.rdi(file, from, to, by, tz = getOption("oceTz"),
  longitude = NA, latitude = NA, type = c("workhorse"),
  monitor = FALSE, despike = FALSE, processingLog, testing = FALSE,
  debug = getOption("oceDebug"), ...)



a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to load. (For read.adp.sontek.serial, this is generally a list of files, which will be concatenated.)


indication of the first profile to read. This can be an integer, the sequence number of the first profile to read, or a POSIXt time before which profiles should be skipped, or a character string that converts to a POSIXt time (assuming UTC timezone). See “Examples”, and make careful note of the use of the tz argument. If from is not supplied, it defaults to 1.


an optional indication of the last profile to read, in a format as described for from. As a special case, to=0 means to read the file to the end. If to is not supplied, then it defaults to 0.


an optional indication of the stride length to use while walking through the file. If this is an integer, then by-1 profiles are skipped between each pair of profiles that is read, e.g. the default by=1 means to read all the data. (For RDI files only, there are some extra features to avoid running out of memory; see “Memory considerations”.)


character string indicating time zone to be assumed in the data.


optional signed number indicating the longitude in degrees East.


optional signed number indicating the latitude in degrees North.


character string indicating the type of instrument.


boolean, set to TRUE to provide an indication of progress in reading the file, either by printing a dot for each profile or by writing a textual progress bar with txtProgressBar.


if TRUE, despike will be used to clean anomalous spikes in heading, etc.


if provided, the action item to be stored in the log. (Typically only provided for internal calls; the default that it provides is better for normal calls by a user.)


logical value (IGNORED).


a flag that turns on debugging. Set to 1 to get a moderate amount of debugging information, or to 2 to get more.

additional arguments, passed to called routines.


An adp object, i.e. one inheriting from adp-class. The form of this object varies with instrument type. In some cases navigational data may be included, e.g. read.adp.rdi can read NMEA strings (which get stored in an item called nmea in the data slot).

Names of items in data slot

The names of items in the data slot are below. Not all items are present for ll file varieties; use names(d[["data"]]) to determine the names used in an object named d. In this list, items are either a vector (with one sample per time of measurement), a ``matrix'' with first index for time and second for bin number, or an ``array'' with first index for time, second for bin number, and third for beam number. (Items are of vector type, unless otherwise indicated.)

a=signal amplitude array [units?]; ambientTemp=ambient temperature [degC]; attitude=attitude [deg]; attitudeTemp=XXX; avgMagnitudeVelocityEast=XXX; avgMagnitudeVelocityNorth=XXX; avgSpeed=XXX; avgTrackMagnetic=XXX; avgTrackTrue=XXX; avgTrueVelocityEast=XXX; avgTrueVelocityNorth=XXX; br=bottom range matrix [m]; bv=bottom velocity matrix [m/s]; contaminationSensor=XXX; depth=depth [m]; directionMadeGood=XXX; distance=XXX; firstLatitude=latitude at start of profile [deg]; firstLongitude=longitude at start of profile [deg]; firstTime=XXX; g=data goodness matrix [units?]; heading=instrument heading [degrees]; headingStd=instrument heading std-dev [deg]; lastLatitude=latitude at end of profile [deg]; lastLongitude=longitude at end of profile [deg]; lastTime=XXX; numberOfHeadingSamplesAveraged=XXX; numberOfMagneticTrackSamplesAveraged=XXX; numberOfPitchRollSamplesAveraged=XXX; numberOfSpeedSamplesAveraged=XXX; numberOfTrueTrackSamplesAveraged=XXX; pitch=instrument pitch [deg]; pitchStd=instrument pitch std-dev [deg]; pressure=pressure [dbar]; pressureMinus=XXX; pressurePlus=XXX; pressureStd=pressure std-dev [dbar]; primaryFlags=XXX; q=data quality array; roll=instrument roll [deg]; rollStd=instrument roll std-dev [deg]; salinity=salinity; shipHeading=ship heading [deg]; shipPitch=ship pitch [deg]; shipRoll=ship roll [deg]; soundSpeed=sound speed [m/s]; speedMadeGood=speed over ground (?) [m/s]; speedMadeGoodEast=XXX; speedMadeGoodNorth=XXX; temperature=temperature [degC]; time=profile time [POSIXct]; v=velocity array [m/s]; xmitCurrent=transmit current [unit?]; and xmitVoltage=transmit voltage.

Memory considerations

For RDI files only, and only in the case where by is not specified, an attempt is made to avoid running out of memory by skipping some profiles in large input files. This only applies if from and to are both integers; if they are times, none of the rest of this section applies.

A key issue is that RDI files store velocities in 2-byte values, which is not a format that R supports. These velocities become 8-byte (numeric) values in R. Thus, the R object created by read.adp.rdi will require more memory than that of the data file. A scale factor can be estimated by ignoring vector quantities (e.g. time, which has just one value per profile) and concentrating on matrix properties such as velocity, backscatter, and correlation. These three elements have equal dimensions. Thus, each 4-byte slide in the data file (2 bytes + 1 byte + 1 byte) corresponds to 10 bytes in the object (8 bytes + 1 byte + 1 byte). Rounding up the resultant 10/4 to 3 for safety, we conclude that any limit on the size of the R object corresponds to a 3X smaller limit on file size.

Various things can limit the size of objects in R, but a strong upper limit is set by the space the operating system provides to R. The least-performant machines in typical use appear to be Microsoft-Windows systems, which limit R objects to about 2e6 bytes (see ?Memory-limits). Since R routinely duplicates objects for certain tasks (e.g. for call-by-value in function evaluation), read.adp.rdi uses a safety factor in its calculation of when to auto-decimate a file. This factor is set to 3, based partly on the developers' experience with datasets in their possession. Multiplied by the previously stated safety factor of 3, this suggests that the 2 GB limit on R objects corresponds to approximately a 222 MB limit on file size. In the present version of read.adp.rdi, this value is lowered to 200 MB for simplicity. Larger files are considered to be "big", and are decimated unless the user supplies a value for the by argument.

The decimation procedure has two cases.

  1. Case 1. If from=1 and to=0 (or if neither from or to is given), then the intention is to process the full span of the data. If the input file is under 200 MB, then by defaults to 1, so that all profiles are read. For larger files, by is set to the ceiling of the ratio of input file size to 200 MB.

  2. Case 2. If from exceeds 1, and/or to is nonzero, then the intention is to process only an interior subset of the file. In this case, by is calculated as the ceiling of the ratio of bbp*(1+to-from) to 200 MB, where bbp is the number of file bytes per profile. Of course, by is set to 1, if this ratio is less than 1.

If the result of these calculations is that by exceeds 1, then messages are printed to alert the user that the file will be decimated, and also monitor is set to TRUE, so that a textual progress bar is shown.

Development Notes

An important part of the work of this function is to recognize what will be called "data chunks" by two-byte ID sequences. This function is developed in a practical way, with emphasis being focussed on data files in the possession of the developers. Since Teledyne-RDI tends to introduce new ID codes with new instruments, that means that read.adp.rdi may not work on recently-developed instruments.

The following two-byte ID codes are recognized by read.adp.rdi at this time (with bytes listed in natural order, LSB byte before MSB). Items preceeded by an asterisk are recognized, but not handled, and so produce a warning.

  0x00 0x01 velocity
  0x00 0x02 correlation
  0x00 0x03 echo intensity
  0x00 0x04 percent good
  0x00 0x06 bottom track
  0x00 0x0a Sentinel vertical beam velocity
  0x00 0x0b Sentinel vertical beam correlation
  0x00 0x0c Sentinel vertical beam amplitude
  0x00 0x0d Sentinel vertical beam percent good
  0x00 0x20 VMDASS
* 0x00 0x30 binary fixed attitude (developer: see p169 of [3] for format)
  0x00 0x32 Sentinel transformation matrix
  0x00 0x0a Sentinel data
  0x00 0x0b Sentinel correlation
  0x00 0x0c Sentinel amplitude
  0x00 0x0d Sentinel percent good
  0x01 0x0f ?? something to do with V series and 4-beam

Lacking a comprehensive Teledyne-RDI listing of ID codes, the authors have cobbled together a listing from documents to which they have access, viz.

  • Table 33 of [3] lists codes as follows:

    Standard ID    Standard plus 1D    DESCRIPTION
    ===========    ================    ===========================
     MSB    LSB          MSB    LSB
     ---    ---          ---    ---
      7F     7F           7F     7F    Header
      00     00           00     01    Fixed Leader
      00     80           00     81    Variable Leader
      01     00           01     01    Velocity Profile Data
      02     00           02     01    Correlation Profile Data
      03     00           03     01    Echo Intensity Profile Data
      04     00           04     01    Percent Good Profile Data
      05     00           05     01    Status Profile Data
      06     00           06     01    Bottom Track Data
      20     00           20     00    Navigation
      30     00           30     00    Binary Fixed Attitude
      30  40-F0           30  40-F0    Binary Variable Attitude
  • Table 6 on p90 of [4] lists "Fixed Leader Navigation" ID codes (none of which are handled by read.adp.rdi yet) as follows (the format is reproduced literally; note that e.g. 0x2100 is 0x00,0x21 in the oce notation):

    ID       Description
    ======   ===========
    0x2100   $xxDBT
    0x2101   $xxGGA
    0x2102   $xxVTG
    0x2103   $xxGSA
    0x2104   $xxHDT, $xxHGD or $PRDID

    and following pages in that manual reveal that DBT refers to depth below transducer; GGA refers to global positioning system; VTA refers to track made good and ground speed; GSA refers to GPS DOP and active satellites; HDT refers to heading, true; HDG refers to heading, deviation, and variation; and PRDID refers to heading, pitch and roll.

Error recovery

Files can sometimes be corrupted, and read.adp.rdi has ways to handle two types of error that have been noticed in files supplied by users.

  1. There are two bytes within each ensemble that indicate the number of bytes to check within that ensemble, to get the checksum. Sometimes, those two bytes can be erroneous, so that the wrong number of bytes are checked, leading to a failed checksum. As a preventative measure, read.adp.rdi checks the stated ensemble length, whenever it detects a failed checksum. If that length agrees with the length of the most recent ensemble that had a good checksum, then the ensemble is declared as faulty and is ignored. However, if the length differs from that of the most recent accepted ensemble, then read.adp.rdi goes back to just after the start of the ensemble, and searches forward for the next two-byte pair, namely 0x7f 0x7f, that designates the start of an ensemble. Distinct notifications are given about these two cases, and they give the byte numbers in the original file, as a way to help analysts who want to look at the data stream with other tools.

  2. At the end of an ensemble, the next two characters ought to be 0x7f 0x7f, and if they are not, then the next ensemble is faulty. If this error occurs, read.adp.rdi attempts to recover by searching forward to the next instance of this two-byte pair, discarding any information that is present in the mangled ensemble.

In each of these cases, warnings are printed about ensembles that seem problematic. Advanced users who want to diagnose the problem further might find it helpful to examine the original data file using other tools. To this end, read.adp.rdi inserts an element named ensembleInFile into the metadata slot. This gives the starting byte number of each inferred ensemble within the original data file. For example, if d is an object read with read.adp.rdi, then using

plot(d[["time"]][-1], diff(d[["ensembleInFile"]]))

can be a good way to narrow in on problems.


As of 2016-09-25, this function has provisional functionality to read data from the new "SentinelV" series ADCP -- essentially a combination of a 4 beam workhorse with an additional vertical centre beam.

If a heading bias had been set with the EB command during the setup for the deployment, then a heading bias will have been stored in the file's header. This value is stored in the object's metadata as metadata$heading.bias. Importantly, this value is subtracted from the headings stored in the file, and the result of this subtraction is stored in the objects heading value (in data$heading). It should be noted that read.adp.rdi() was tested for firmware version 16.30. For other versions, there may be problems. For example, the serial number is not recognized properly for version 16.28.

In Teledyne/RDI ADP data files, velocities are coded to signed 2-byte integers, with a scale factor being used to convert to velocity in metres per second. These two facts control the maximum recordable velocity and the velocity resolution, values that may be retrieved for an ADP object name d with d[["velocityMaximum"]] and d[["velocityResolution"]].


1. Teledyne-RDI, 2007. WorkHorse commands and output data format. P/N 957-6156-00 (November 2007). (Section 5.3 h details the binary format, e.g. the file should start with the byte 0x7f repeated twice, and each profile starts with the bytes 0x80, followed by 0x00, followed by the sequence number of the profile, represented as a little-endian two-byte short integer. read.adp.rdi uses these sequences to interpret data files.)

2. Teledyne RD Instruments, 2015. V Series monitor, sentinel Output Data Format. P/N 95D-6022-00 (May 2015). SV_ODF_May15.pdf

3. Teledyne RD Instruments, 2014. Ocean Surveyor / Ocean Observer Technical Manual. P/N 95A-6012-00 (April 2014). OS_TM_Apr14.pdf

4. Teledyne RD Instruments, 201?. WinRiver User's Guide International Version P/N 957-6171-00 (June 2001) WinRiver User Guide International Version.pdf.pdf

See Also

Other things related to adp data: [[,adp-method, [[<-,adp-method, ad2cpHeaderValue, adp-class, adpEnsembleAverage, adp, as.adp, beamName, beamToXyzAdpAD2CP, beamToXyzAdp, beamToXyzAdv, beamToXyz, beamUnspreadAdp, binmapAdp, enuToOtherAdp, enuToOther, handleFlags,adp-method, is.ad2cp, plot,adp-method, read.adp.ad2cp, read.adp.nortek, read.adp.sontek.serial, read.adp.sontek, read.adp, read.aquadoppHR, read.aquadoppProfiler, read.aquadopp, rotateAboutZ, setFlags,adp-method, subset,adp-method, summary,adp-method, toEnuAdp, toEnu, velocityStatistics, xyzToEnuAdpAD2CP, xyzToEnuAdp, xyzToEnu


Run this code
adp <- read.adp.rdi(system.file("extdata", "adp_rdi.000", package="oce"))

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab