qdapRegex (version 0.7.5)

rm_white: Remove/Replace/Extract White Space


rm_white - Remove multiple white space (> 1 becomes a single white space), white space before a comma, white space before a single or consecutive combination of a colon, semicolon, or endmark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), white space after a left bracket ("", "(", "[") or before a right bracket ("", ")", "]"), leading or trailing white space.

rm_white_bracket - Remove white space after a left bracket ("", "(", "[") or before a right bracket ("", ")", "]").

rm_white_colon - Remove white space before a single or consecutive combination of a colon, semicolon.

rm_white_comma - Remove white space before a comma.

rm_white_endmark - Remove white space before endmark(s) (".", "?", "!").

rm_white_lead - Remove leading white space.

rm_white_lead_trail - Remove leading or trailing white space.

rm_white_trail - Remove trailing white space.

rm_white_multiple - Remove multiple white space (> 1 becomes a single white space).

rm_white_punctuation - Remove multiple white space before a comma, white space before a single or consecutive combination of a colon, semicolon, or endmark (period, question mark, or exclamation point).


  trim = FALSE,
  clean = FALSE,
  pattern = "@rm_white",
  replacement = "",
  extract = FALSE,
  dictionary = getOption("regex.library"),

ex_white( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_bracket( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_bracket", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_bracket( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_bracket", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_colon( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_colon", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_colon( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_colon", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_comma( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_comma", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_comma( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_comma", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_endmark( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_endmark", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_endmark( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_endmark", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_lead( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_lead", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_lead( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_lead", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_lead_trail( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_lead_trail", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_lead_trail( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_lead_trail", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_trail( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_trail", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_trail( text.var, trim = FALSE, clean = FALSE, pattern = "@rm_white_trail", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_multiple( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_multiple", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_multiple( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_multiple", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

rm_white_punctuation( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_punctuation", replacement = "", extract = FALSE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )

ex_white_punctuation( text.var, trim = !extract, clean = TRUE, pattern = "@rm_white_punctuation", replacement = "", extract = TRUE, dictionary = getOption("regex.library"), ... )


Returns a character string with extra white space removed.



The text variable.


logical. If TRUE removes leading and trailing white spaces.


trim logical. If TRUE extra white spaces and escaped character will be removed.


A character string containing a regular expression (or character string for fixed = TRUE) to be matched in the given character vector. Default, @rm_dollar uses the rm_dollar regex from the regular expression dictionary from the dictionary argument.


Replacement for matched pattern.


logical. If TRUE the dollar strings are extracted into a list of vectors.


A dictionary of canned regular expressions to search within if pattern begins with "@rm_".


Other arguments passed to gsub.


rm_white_endmark/rm_white_punctuation - stackoverflow's hwnd and Tyler Rinker <tyler.rinker@gmail.com>.


The rm_white_endmark/rm_white_punctuation regular expression was taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25464921/1000343

See Also

gsub, stri_extract_all_regex

Other rm_ functions: rm_abbreviation(), rm_between(), rm_bracket(), rm_caps_phrase(), rm_caps(), rm_citation_tex(), rm_citation(), rm_city_state_zip(), rm_city_state(), rm_date(), rm_default(), rm_dollar(), rm_email(), rm_emoticon(), rm_endmark(), rm_hash(), rm_nchar_words(), rm_non_ascii(), rm_non_words(), rm_number(), rm_percent(), rm_phone(), rm_postal_code(), rm_repeated_characters(), rm_repeated_phrases(), rm_repeated_words(), rm_tag(), rm_time(), rm_title_name(), rm_url(), rm_zip()


Run this code
x <-  c(" There is ( $5.50 ) for , me . ", " that's [ 45.6% ] of! the pizza !", 
    "     14% is { $26  } or $25.99 ?", "Oh ;  here's colon : Yippee !")


Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace