raster (version 1.1.7)

nudgeExtent: Round extent coordinates


roundExtent rounds the coordinates of the extent of a Raster* to a number of digits specified. This can be useful when dealing with a small inprecision in the data (e.g. 179.9999 in stead of 180). nudgeCoords takes the floor (lower integer) of the mimumum x and y of the exent and the ceiling (upper integer) of the maximum x and y of the extent. Thus returning a RasterLayer with an extent of rounded coordinates and that always includes the original extent. This can be useful when creating raster objects based on the extent of other objects.


roundExtent(object, digits=0)


a Raster* object
integer indicating the precision to be used


Run this code
r <- raster(xmn=0.999999,  xmx=10.000011, ymn=-60, ymx=60)
r <- roundExtent(r, 2)
r <- nudgeExtent(r)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab