rts (version 1.0-18)

rts: Create a Raster Time Series object


Constructor function to create a raster time series (Raster*TS) object. rts object can be created from a vector of image files names, a RasterStack or a RasterBrick object (defined in raster) together with a vector of time/dates-must be of known time-based class. This function can also be used to read a raster time series file.


rts(x, time)



A character vector including names of image/raster files, or RasterStack or RasterBrick object, or the name (character) of a raster time series file


a vector holding date/time data with the same length as rasters in Raster* object or name of files in character vector


RasterStackTS or RasterBrickTS


A raster time series object is created by combining a RasterStack or RasterBrick objct, defined in raster and a xts object in xts-package. RasterStack or RasterBrick can be created by using stack and brick functions, respectively in raster-package. If a character vector including the name of raster files is used for x, stack function is internally called by rts. time information is handled by xts object. The date/time values in the vector of time should be correspond to the raster files (i.e. first date/time for first raster, ...) and have the same length as the number of rasters in x.

If a name of a raster time series file is provided for the x argument, it acts the same as coderead.rts.

See Also

stack, brick, xts


Run this code
path <- system.file("external", package="rts") # location of files

lst <- list.files(path=path,pattern='.asc$',full.names=TRUE)
lst # list of raster files

r <- stack(lst) # creating a RasterStack object


d <- c("2000-02-01","2000-03-01","2000-04-01","2000-05-01") # corresponding dates to 4 rasters
d <- as.Date(d) # or d <- as.POSIXct(d) 

rt <- rts(r,d) # creating a RasterStackTS object



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