dplR (version 1.7.0)

rwl.report: Do some reporting on a RWL object


This function generates a small report on a rwl (or rwi) object that gives the user some basic information on the data including the number of series, the span of the data, the mean interseries correlation, the number of missing rings (zeros), internal NA values, and rings that are very small, or very large.





a data.frame of ring widths with rownames(x) containing years and colnames(x) containing each series ID such as produced by read.rwl


a numeric value for the threshold value that will cause small rings to be listed. If values is NA this will be omitted.


a numeric value for the threshold value that will cause large rings to be listed. If values is NA this will be omitted.


A list with elements containing descriptive information on the rwl object.


This report is a list containing the number of series, the mean length of all the series, the first year, last year, the mean first-order autocorrelation (via summary.rwl), the mean interseries correlation (via interseries.cor), the years where a series has a missing ring (zero), internal NA, very small ring, and very large rings.

This output of this function is not typically meant for the user to access but has a print method that formats that data for the user.

See Also

read.rwl, summary.rwl, interseries.cor


Run this code
rwl.report(rwl = gp.rwl)
# list very small (smallest 1pct) of rings as well
one.pct <- quantile(gp.rwl[gp.rwl != 0], na.rm=TRUE, probs=0.01)
rwl.report(rwl = gp.rwl, small.thresh = one.pct)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab