nlmixr (version 1.0.0-7) Fit an SAEM model


Fit an SAEM model using either closed-form solutions or ODE-based model definitions

Usage, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL,
  covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2,
  2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs =
  0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

# S3 method for fit.nlmixr.ui.nlme saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

# S3 method for fit.function saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

# S3 method for fit.nlmixrUI saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

# S3 method for fit.RxODE saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)

# S3 method for fit.default saem(model, data, inits, PKpars = NULL, pred = NULL, covars = NULL, mcmc = list(niter = c(200, 300), nmc = 3, nu = c(2, 2, 2)), ODEopt = list(atol = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-04, stiff = 1, transitAbs = 0), distribution = c("normal", "poisson", "binomial"), seed = 99)



an RxODE model or lincmt()


input data


initial values


PKpars function


pred function


Covariates in data


a list of various mcmc options


optional ODE solving options


one of c("normal","poisson","binomial")


seed for random number generator


Fit a generalized nonlinear mixed-effect model using the Stochastic Approximation Expectation-Maximization (SAEM) algorithm