missSBM (version 0.2.0)

sample: Sampling of network data


This function samples observations in an adjacency matrix according to a given sampling design. The final results is an adjacency matrix with the dimension as the input, yet with additional NAs.


sample(adjacencyMatrix, sampling, parameters, clusters = NULL,
  covariates = NULL, similarity = l1_similarity, intercept = 0)



The N x N adjacency matrix of the network to sample. If adjacencyMatrix is symmetric, we assume an undirected network with no loop; otherwise the network is assumed directed.


The sampling design used to sample the adjacency matrix, see details


The sampling parameters adapted to each sampling


An optional clustering membership vector of the nodes, only necessary for block samplings


A list with M entries (the M covariates). If the covariates are node-centred, each entry of covariates must be a size-N vector; if the covariates are dyad-centred, each entry of covariates must be N x N matrix.


An optional function to compute similarities between node covariates. Default is l1_similarity, that is, -abs(x-y). Only relevant when the covariates are node-centered (i.e. covariates is a list of size-N vectors).


An optional intercept term to be added in case of the presence of covariates. Default is 0.


an object with class sampledNetwork containing all the useful information about the sampling. Can then feed the estimate function.


The different sampling designs are split into two families in which we find dyad-centered and node-centered samplings. See <doi:10.1080/01621459.2018.1562934> for complete description.

  • Missing at Random (MAR)

    • "dyad": parameter = p $$p = P(Dyad (i,j) is sampled)$$

    • "node": parameter = p and $$p = P(Node i is sampled)$$

    • "covar-dyad": parameter = beta in R^M and $$P(Dyad (i,j) is sampled) = logistic(parameter' covarArray (i,j, ))$$

    • "covar-node": parameter = nu in R^M and $$P(Node i is sampled) = logistic(parameter' covarMatrix (i,)$$

  • Not Missing At Random (NMAR)

    • "double-standard": parameter = (p0,p1) and $$p0 = P(Dyad (i,j) is sampled | the dyad is equal to 0)=$$, p1 = P(Dyad (i,j) is sampled | the dyad is equal to 1)

    • "block-node": parameter = c(p(1),...,p(Q)) and $$p(q) = P(Node i is sampled | node i is in cluster q)$$

    • "block-dyad": parameter = c(p(1,1),...,p(Q,Q)) and $$p(q,l) = P(Edge (i,j) is sampled | node i is in cluster q and node j is in cluster l)$$

    • "degree": parameter = c(a,b) and $$logit(a+b*Degree(i)) = P(Node i is sampled | Degree(i))$$

See Also

The class sampledNetwork


Run this code
## SBM parameters
directed <- FALSE
N <- 300 # number of nodes
Q <- 3   # number of clusters
alpha <- rep(1,Q)/Q     # mixture parameter
pi <- diag(.45,Q) + .05 # connectivity matrix

## simulate a SBM without covariates
sbm <- missSBM::simulate(N, alpha, pi, directed)

## Sample network data

# some sampling design and their associated parameters
sampling_parameters <- list(
   "dyad" = .3,
   "node" = .3,
   "double-standard" = c(0.4, 0.8),
   "block-node" = c(.3, .8, .5),
   "block-dyad" = pi,
   "degree" = c(.01, .01)

sampled_networks <- list()

for (sampling in names(sampling_parameters)) {
  sampled_networks[[sampling]] <-
       adjacencyMatrix = sbm$adjacencyMatrix,
       sampling        = sampling,
       parameters      = sampling_parameters[[sampling]],
       cluster         = sbm$memberships
# }
## SSOOOO long, but fancy
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2,3))
for (sampling in names(sampling_parameters)) {
    clustering = sbm$memberships, main = paste(sampling, "sampling"))
# }

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