oce (version 0.9-23)

sealevel-class: Class to Store Sealevel Data


Class to store sealevel data, e.g. from a tide gauge, with standard slots metadata, data and processingLog.



Data may be accessed as e.g. sealevel[["time"]], where the string could also be e.g. "elevation" for the corresponding sea-level elevation, or e.g. "longitude" or "latitude" for scalars. Items in metadata must be specifield by full name, but those in data may be abbreviated, so long as the abbreviation is unique.

Everything that may be accessed may also be assigned, e.g. sealevel[["elevation"]] <- value.

The show method displays information about the object, while summary,sealevel-method provides a statistical summary.

See Also

Other classes provided by oce: adp-class, adv-class, argo-class, bremen-class, cm-class, coastline-class, ctd-class, echosounder-class, lisst-class, lobo-class, met-class, oce-class, odf-class, rsk-class, section-class, topo-class, windrose-class

Other things related to sealevel data: [[,sealevel-method, [[<-,sealevel-method, as.sealevel, plot,sealevel-method, read.sealevel, sealevelTuktoyaktuk, sealevel, subset,sealevel-method, summary,sealevel-method