hyperSpec (version 0.100.0)

map.sel.poly: Interactively select a polygon (grid graphics) and highlight points


Click the points that should be connected as polygon. Input ends with right click (see grid.locator). Polygon will be drawn closed.


map.sel.poly(data, pch = 19, size = 0.3, ...)

sel.poly(pch = 19, size = 0.3, ...)


map.sel.poly: array of indices for points within the selected polygon

sel.poly: n x 2 matrix with the corner points of the polygon



hyperSpec object for plotting map or list returned by plotmap


symbol to display the points of the polygon for sel.poly


size for polygon point symbol for sel.poly


further arguments for grid.points and grid.lines


Claudia Beleites, Sebastian Mellor

Claudia Beleites


map.sel.poly is a convenience wrapper for plotmap, sel.poly, and point.in.polygon. For custiomized plotting, the plot can be produced by plotmap, plotvoronoi or levelplot, and the result of that plot command handed over to map.sel.poly, see the example below.

If even more customized plotting is required,sel.poly should be used (see example).

See Also


Run this code
if (interactive ()){
## convenience wrapper
map.sel.poly (chondro)

## customized version
data <- sample (chondro [,, 1004 - 2i ~ 1004 + 2i], 300)

plotdata <- plotvoronoi (data, clusters ~ y * x, col.regions = alois.palette ())
print (plotdata)
map.sel.poly (plotdata)

## even more customization:
plotvoronoi (data)

## interactively retrieve polygon
polygon <- sel.poly ()

## find data points within polygon
require ("sp")     
i.sel <- which (point.in.polygon (data$x, data$y, polygon [, 1], polygon [, 2]) > 0)

## work with selected points
grid.points (unit (data$x [i.sel], "native"), unit (data$y [i.sel], "native"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab