R.oo (version 1.3.0)

setConstructorS3: Defines a class in S3/UseMethod style


Defines a class in R.oo/S3 style. The class name is validated so it starts with a letter (A-Z) and it also gives a warning if its first letter is not captial. The reason for this is to enforce a naming convention that names classes with upper-case initial letters and methods with lower-case initial letters (this is also the case in for instance Java). What this function currently does is simply creating a constructor function for the class. Note: The constructor must be able to be called with no arguments, i.e. use default values for all arguments or make sure you use missing() or similar! For instance the following defintion is not correct: setConstructorS3("Foo", function(x) extend(Object(), "Foo", x=x)) whereas this one is setConstructorS3("Foo", function(x=NA) extend(Object(), "Foo", x=x))


## S3 method for class 'default}(name, definition, private=FALSE, protected=FALSE, static=FALSE, abstract=FALSE, trial=FALSE, deprecated=FALSE, envir=parent.frame(), enforceRCC=TRUE, ...)':

name{The name of the class.}
  definition{The constructor defintion. Note: The constructor
    must be able to be called with no arguments, i.e. use default values
    for all arguments or make sure you use missing() or similar!}
  static{If TRUE this class is defined to be static,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  abstract{If TRUE this class is defined to be abstract,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  private{If TRUE this class is defined to be private.}
  protected{If TRUE this class is defined to be protected.}
  trial{If TRUE this class is defined to be a trial class,
     otherwise not. A trial class is a class that is introduced to be
     tried out and it might be modified, replaced or even removed in a
     future release. Some people prefer to call trial versions, beta
     version. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  deprecated{If TRUE this class is defined to be deprecated,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  envir{The environment for where the class (constructor function)
     should be stored.}
  enforceRCC{If TRUE, only class names following the R Coding
     Convention is accepted. If the RCC is violated an RccViolationException
     is thrown.}
  ...{Not used.}

  Note: If a constructor is not declared to be private nor protected, it
  will be declared to be public.

For a complete example see help(Object).

To define a method see setMethodS3().
  For information about the R Coding Conventions, see
  For a thorough example of how to use this method see Object.

[object Object]

