R.oo (version 1.1.0)

setMethodS3: Creates a method for a class using S3/UseMethod style


Creates a method for a class using S3/UseMethod style. A function with name name.class will be set to definition. The method will get the modifiers specified by modifiers. If there exists no generic function for this method, it will be created automatically.


## S3 method for class 'default}(name, class="default", definition, private=FALSE, protected=FALSE, static=FALSE, abstract=FALSE, trial=FALSE, deprecated=FALSE, envir=parent.frame(), overwrite=TRUE, conflict=c("warning", "error", "quiet"), createGeneric=TRUE, appendVarArgs=TRUE, enforceRCC=TRUE, ...)':

name{The name of the method.}
  class{The class for which the method should be defined. If
     class == "default" (or class == "ANY") a function
     with name name.default will be created.}
  definition{The method defintion.}
  private, protected{If private=TRUE, the method is declared
     private. If protected=TRUE, the method is declared protected.
     In all other cases the method is declared public.}
  static{If TRUE this method is defined to be static,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  abstract{If TRUE this method is defined to be abstract,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  trial{If TRUE this method is defined to be a trial method,
     otherwise not. A trial method is a method that is introduced to be
     tried out and it might be modified, replaced or even removed in a
     future release. Some people prefer to call trial versions, beta
     version. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  deprecated{If TRUE this method is defined to be deprecated,
     otherwise not. Currently this has no effect expect as an indicator.}
  envir{The environment for where this method should be stored.}
  overwrite{If TRUE an already existing method with the same
     name (and of the same class) will be overwritten, otherwise not.}
  conflict{If a method already exists with the same name (and of
     the same class), different actions can be taken. If "error",
     an exception will be thrown and the method will not be created.
     If "warning", a warning will be given and the method will
     be created, otherwise the conflict will be passed unnotice.}
  createGeneric{If TRUE, a generic S3/UseMethod function is
     defined for this method.}
  enforceRCC{If TRUE, only class names following the R Coding
     Convention is accepted. If the RCC is violated an RccViolationException
     is thrown.}
  appendVarArgs{If TRUE, argument ... is added with a
     warning, if missing.  For special methods such as $ and
     [[, this is never done.
     This will increase the chances that the method is consistent with a
     generic function with many arguments and/or argument ....}
  ...{Not used.}

# Example 1
setMethodS3("foo", "default", function(x, ...) {
  cat("In default foo():
  print(x, ...);

setMethodS3("foo", "character", function(s, ...) {
  cat("In foo() for class 'character':
  print(s, ...);

# The generic function is automatically created!


# Example 2
# Assume that in a loaded package there is already a function bar(),
# but you also want to use the name 'bar' for the character string.
# It may even be the case that you do not know of the other package,
# but your users do!
# bar() in other package
bar <- function(x, y, ...) {
  cat("In bar() of 'other' package.

# Your defintion; will redefine bar() above to bar.default().
setMethodS3("bar", "character", function(object, ...) {
  cat("In bar() for class 'character':
  print(object, ...);


 For a complete example see help(Object).

To define a class, see setConstructorS3().
  For a thorough example of how to use this method see Object.
  For information about the R Coding Conventions, see
  For more information about UseMethod() see methods.

[object Object]

