SweaveListingUtils (version 0.6.1)

setToBeDefinedPkgs: setToBeDefinedPkgs


sets up / updates a table of keywordstyles to different packages


setToBeDefinedPkgs(pkgs, keywordstyles)


character; the packages for which keywordstyle information is to be stored
character or missing; the corresponding keywordstyle format strings; if missing the corresponding option Keywordstyle is read off by using getSweaveListingOption("Keywordstyle"). Internally, it is being cast to the same l


  • invisible()


The corresponding table is stored globally in the (non-exported) object .tobeDefinedPkgs, which is hidden in the namespace of this package. It is used afterwords by the masked versions of require and library of this package to allow for defining a set of keywordstyle formats for different packages right in the preamble of a .Rnw file. This transfer of information to require and library clearly is a deviation from the functional programming paradigm but is necessary at this place, as otherwise (although this is still allowed) require and library would have to be called with non-standard (i.e. package base-) arguments, which is not the goal of including Rcode sniplets by Sweave.


Run this code
setToBeDefinedPkgs(pkgs = c("distr","distrEx"),
                   keywordstyles = paste("\\bfseries\\color{",c("blue","red"),"}",
                         sep="", collapse=""))
### not to be used:

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab