spatstat (version 1.12-9)

setmarks: Set or Reset the Marks in a Point Pattern


Create a marked point pattern from given point locations and given marks.


setmarks(X, m)
  X %mark% m


Point pattern (object of class "ppp")
Vector of mark values (of any atomic mode)


  • Marked point pattern (object of class "ppp") identical to X except that it has marks equal to m.


This function is a shortcut which creates a marked point pattern from a given point pattern X and a given vector m by attaching the marks in m to the locations of the points in X.

If X is already a marked point pattern, then its marks are ignored and replaced by the values in m.

If m is a single value, then all points will be given this mark value. Otherwise, m must be a vector of length equal to the number of points in X, and the point X[i] will receive the mark m[i].

Use unmark to remove marks. Use ppp to create point patterns in more general situations.

See Also

unmark, ppp.object, is.marked, is.marked.ppp


Run this code

   m <- runif(cells$n)

   Y <- setmarks(cells, m)
   Y <- cells %mark% m
   # equivalent

   is.marked(Y)  #TRUE

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