GenomicRanges (version 1.22.0)

setops-methods: Set operations on GRanges and GRangesList objects


Performs set operations on GRanges and GRangesList objects.

NOTE: The punion, pintersect, psetdiff, and pgap generic functions and methods for Ranges objects are defined and documented in the IRanges package.


## Set operations "union"(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...) "intersect"(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...) "setdiff"(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)
## Parallel set operations "punion"(x, y,, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...) "pintersect"(x, y, drop.nohit.ranges=FALSE, ignore.strand=FALSE, strict.strand=FALSE) "psetdiff"(x, y, ignore.strand=FALSE, ...)


x, y
For union, intersect, setdiff, pgap: x and y must both be GRanges objects.

For punion: one of x or y must be a GRanges object, the other one can be a GRanges or GRangesList object.

For pintersect: x and y can be any combination of GRanges and/or GRangesList objects.

For psetdiff: x and y can be any combination of GRanges and/or GRangesList objects, with the exception that if x is a GRangesList object then y must be a GRangesList too.

In addition, for the "parallel" operations, x and y must be of equal length (i.e. length(x) == length(y)).
Logical indicating whether or not to force a union by using the rule start = min(start(x), start(y)), end = max(end(x), end(y)).
For set operations: If set to TRUE, then the strand of x and y is set to "*" prior to any computation.

For parallel set operations: If set to TRUE, the strand information is ignored in the computation and the result has the strand information of x.

If TRUE then elements in x that don't intersect with their corresponding element in y are removed from the result (so the returned object is no more parallel to the input).

If FALSE (the default) then nothing is removed and a hit metadata column is added to the returned object to indicate elements in x that intersect with the corresponding element in y. For those that don't, the reported intersection is a zero-width range that has the same start as x.

If set to FALSE (the default), features on the "*" strand are treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand. If set to TRUE, the strand of intersecting elements must be strictly the same.
Further arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


For union, intersect, setdiff, and pgap: a GRanges object.For punion and pintersect: when x or y is not a GRanges object, an object of the same class as this non-GRanges object. Otherwise, a GRanges object.For psetdiff: either a GRanges object when both x and y are GRanges objects, or a GRangesList object when y is a GRangesList object.


The pintersect methods involving GRanges and/or GRangesList objects use the triplet (sequence name, range, strand) to determine the element by element intersection of features, where a strand value of "*" is treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand (unless strict.strand is set to TRUE, in which case the strand of intersecting elements must be strictly the same).

The psetdiff methods involving GRanges and/or GRangesList objects use the triplet (sequence name, range, strand) to determine the element by element set difference of features, where a strand value of "*" is treated as occurring on both the "+" and "-" strand.

See Also

setops-methods, GRanges-class, GRangesList-class, findOverlaps-methods


Run this code
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(2, 9) , c(7, 19)), strand=c("+", "-"))
y <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(5, 10), strand="-") 

union(x, y)
union(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

intersect(x, y)
intersect(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

setdiff(x, y)
setdiff(x, y, ignore.strand=TRUE)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

punion(x, shift(x, 6))
## Not run: 
# punion(x, shift(x, 7))  # will fail
# ## End(Not run)
punion(x, shift(x, 7),

pintersect(x, shift(x, 6))
pintersect(x, shift(x, 7))

psetdiff(x, shift(x, 7))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## GRanges object:
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr2", "chr1", "chr1"),
              ranges=IRanges(1:3, width = 12),
              strand=Rle(strand(c("-", "*", "-"))))

## GRangesList object
gr1 <- GRanges(seqnames="chr2",
               ranges=IRanges(3, 6))
gr2 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr1"),
               ranges=IRanges(c(7,13), width = 3),
               strand=c("+", "-"))
gr3 <- GRanges(seqnames=c("chr1", "chr2"),
               ranges=IRanges(c(1, 4), c(3, 9)),
               strand=c("-", "-"))
grlist <- GRangesList(gr1=gr1, gr2=gr2, gr3=gr3)

## Parallel intersection of a GRanges and a GRangesList object
pintersect(gr, grlist)
pintersect(grlist, gr)

## For a fast 'mendoapply(intersect, grlist, as(gr, "GRangesList"))'
## call pintersect() with 'strict.strand=TRUE' and call reduce() on
## the result with 'drop.empty.ranges=TRUE':
reduce(pintersect(grlist, gr, strict.strand=TRUE),

## Parallel set difference of a GRanges and a GRangesList object
psetdiff(gr, grlist)

## Parallel set difference of two GRangesList objects
psetdiff(grlist, shift(grlist, 3))

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