datadr (version 0.8.4)

setupTransformEnv: Set up transformation environment


This is called internally in the map phase of datadr MapReduce jobs. It is not meant for use outside of there, but is exported for convenience. Given an environment and collection of transformations, it populates the environment with the global variables in the transformations.


setupTransformEnv(transFns, env = NULL)


from the "transforms" attribute of a ddo object
the environment in which to evaluate the transformations


Run this code
# Create a distributed data frame using the iris data set, backed by the
# kvMemory (in memory) connection
bySpecies <- divide(iris, by = "Species")
# Note a tranformation is not present in the attributes
## A transform that operates only on values of the key-value pairs
# Create a function that will calculate the mean of each variable in
# in a subset. The calls to '' and 't()' convert the
# vector output of 'apply()' into a data.frame with a single row
colMean <- function(x), 2, mean)))
# Test on a subset
# Add a tranformation that will calculate the mean of each variable
bySpeciesTransformed <- addTransform(bySpecies, colMean)
# Note how 'before transformation' appears to describe the values of
# several of the attributes
# Note the addition of the transformation to the attributes
# We can see the result of the transformation by looking at one of
# the subsets:
# The transformation is automatically applied when calling any data
# operation.  For example, if can call 'recombine()' with 'combRbind'
# we will get a data frame of the column means for each subset:
varMeans <- recombine(bySpeciesTransformed, combine = combRbind)
## A transform that operates on both keys and values
# We can also create a transformation that uses both the keys and values
# It will select the first row of the value, and append '-firstRow' to
# the key
aTransform <- function(key, val) {
  newKey <- paste(key, "firstRow", sep = "-")
  newVal <- val[1,]
  kvPair(newKey, newVal)
# Apply the transformation
recombine(addTransform(bySpecies, aTransform))

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