dplyr (version 0.4.1)

explain: Explain details of an tbl.


This is a generic function which gives more details about an object than print, and is more focussed on human readable output than str.


explain(x, ...)



An object to explain
Other parameters possibly used by generic


Explaining a tbl_sql will run the SQL EXPLAIN command which will describe the query plan. This requires a little bit of knowledge about how EXPLAIN works for your database, but is very useful for diagnosing performance problems.


Run this code
if (require("RSQLite") && has_lahman("sqlite")) {

lahman_s <- lahman_sqlite()
batting <- tbl(lahman_s, "Batting")
batting %>% show_query()
batting %>% explain()

# The batting database has indices on all ID variables:
# SQLite automatically picks the most restrictive index
batting %>% filter(lgID == "NL" & yearID == 2000L) %>% explain()

# OR's will use multiple indexes
batting %>% filter(lgID == "NL" | yearID == 2000) %>% explain()

# Joins will use indexes in both tables
teams <- tbl(lahman_s, "Teams")
batting %>% left_join(teams, c("yearID", "teamID")) %>% explain()

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab