seqMeta (version 1.6.7)

singlesnpMeta: Meta analyze single snp effects from multiple studies


Takes as input `seqMeta` objects (from the prepScores function), and meta analyzes them.


singlesnpMeta(..., SNPInfo = NULL, snpNames = "Name", aggregateBy = "gene", studyBetas = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)


seqMeta objects
The SNP Info file. This should contain the fields listed in snpNames and aggregateBy. Only SNPs in this table will be meta analyzed, so this may be used to restrict the analysis.
The field of SNPInfo where the SNP identifiers are found. Default is 'Name'
The field of SNPInfo on which the skat results were aggregated. Default is 'gene'. Though gene groupings are not explicitely required for single snp analysis, it is required to find where single snp information is stored in the seqMeta objects.
Whether or not to include study-level effects in the output.
logical. Whether progress bars should be printed.


a data frame with the gene, snp name, meta analysis.


This function meta analyzes score tests for single variant effects. Though the test is formally a score test, coefficients and standard errors are also returned, which can be interpreted as a `one-step` approximation to the maximum likelihood estimates.


Lin, DY and Zeng, D. On the relative efficiency of using summary statistics versus individual-level data in meta-analysis. Biometrika. 2010.

See Also

prepScores burdenMeta skatMeta skatOMeta


Run this code
###load example data for two studies:
### see ?seqMetaExample

####run on each study:
cohort1 <- prepScores(Z=Z1, y~sex+bmi, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, data =pheno1)
cohort2 <- prepScores(Z=Z2, y~sex+bmi, SNPInfo = SNPInfo, data =pheno2)

#### combine results:
out <- singlesnpMeta(cohort1, cohort2, SNPInfo = SNPInfo)

## Not run: 
# ##compare
# bigZ <- matrix(NA,2*n,nrow(SNPInfo))
# colnames(bigZ) <- SNPInfo$Name
# for(gene in unique(SNPInfo$gene)) {
#    snp.names <- SNPInfo$Name[SNPInfo$gene == gene]
#      bigZ[1:n,SNPInfo$gene == gene][, snp.names \%in\% colnames(Z1)] <- 
#              Z1[, na.omit(match(snp.names,colnames(Z1)))]
#      bigZ[(n+1):(2*n),SNPInfo$gene == gene][, snp.names \%in\% colnames(Z2)] <- 
#              Z2[, na.omit(match(snp.names,colnames(Z2)))]
# }
# pheno <- rbind(pheno1[ ,c("y","sex","bmi")], pheno2[ , c("y","sex","bmi")])
# out3 <- apply(bigZ, 2, function(z) {
#          if(any(! {
#            z[] <- mean(z,na.rm=TRUE)
#            mod <- lm(y ~ sex+bmi+c(rep(1,n),rep(0,n))+z, data=pheno)
#            beta <- mod$coef["z"]
#            se <- sqrt(vcov(mod)["z", "z"])
#            p <- pchisq( (beta/se)^2,df=1,lower=F)
#            return(c(beta,se,p))
#          } else {
#            return(c(0,Inf,1))
#          }
#  }) 
#  out3 <- t(out3[,match(out$Name,colnames(out3))])
#  ##plot
#  par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#  plot(x=out3[,1],y=out$beta, xlab="complete data (Wald)", 
#       ylab="meta-analysis (Score)", main="coefficients"); abline(0,1)
#  plot(x=out3[,2],y=out$se, xlab="complete data (Wald)", 
#       ylab="meta-analysis (Score)", main="standard errors"); abline(0,1)
#  plot(x=out3[,3],y=out$p, xlab="complete data (Wald)", 
#       ylab="meta-analysis (Score)", main="p-values"); abline(0,1)
#  ## End(Not run)

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