car (version 2.1-1)

skewPower: Skew Power Transformations


Transform the elements of a vector using, the skew power transformations.


skewPower(U, lambda, jacobian.adjusted=FALSE, gamma)

## S3 method for class 'skewpowerTransform':
contour(x, ksds = 4, levels = c(0.5, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999), 
                 main = "Skew Power Log-likelihood", ...)


A vector, matrix or data.frame of values to be transformed
The one-dimensional transformation parameter, usually in the range from $-2$ to $2$, or if U is a matrix or data frame, a vector of length ncol(U) of transformation parameters
If TRUE, the transformation is normalized to have Jacobian equal to one. The default is FALSE.
The skew power family has two parameters, the power lambda, and the start gamma, which can be any positive value.
An object created by a call to powerTransform using the family="skewPower" option.
Contour plotting of the log-likelihood surface will cover plus of minus ksds standard deviations on each axis.
Contours will be drawn at the values of levels. For example, levels=c(.5, .99) would display two contours, at the 50% level and at the 99% level.
Title for the contour plot
Additional arguments passed to the generic contour function.


  • Returns a vector or matrix of transformed values. The contour method is used for the side-effect of drawing a contour plot.


The skewPower family is a modification of the Box-Cox power family, see bcPower that allows the untransformed response to include negative values. Ignoring the Jacobian, correction, the Box-Cox family is defined to be $(U^{\lambda}-1)/\lambda$ for $\lambda \neq 0$, and $\log(U)$ if $\lambda =0$. The skewPower family is the Box-Cox transformation of $z = .5 * (U + (U^2 + \gamma^2)^{1/2})$. Zero or negative values for $U$ are permitted if $\gamma$ is positive. If jacobian.adjusted is TRUE, then the transformed values are scaled to have Jacobian equal to 1, as suggested by Box and Cox (1964). This simplifies computing the maximum likelihood-like estimates of the transformation parameters. Missing values are permitted, and return NA where ever U is equal to NA. The contour method allows drawing a contour plot for the two-dimensional log-likelihood for the skew power parameters with a univariate response.


Fox, J. and Weisberg, S. (2011) An R Companion to Applied Regression, Second Edition, Sage. Hawkins, D. and Weisberg, S. (2015) Combining the Box-Cox Power and Genralized Log Transformations to Accomodate Negative Responses, submitted for publication. Weisberg, S. (2014) Applied Linear Regression, Fourth Edition, Wiley Wiley, Chapter 7.

See Also

powerTransform, bcPower, boxCox


Run this code
# Univariate Example from Hawkins and Weisberg (2015)
m1 <- lm(I1L1 ~ pool, LoBD)
p1 <- powerTransform(m1, family="skewPower")
# summary prints estimate, se and conf.ints for both parameters
# helper functions
p1$value # maximum value of log-likelihood surface

# tests are for lambda, maximizing over gamma (profile log-likelihoods)
testTransform(p1, lambda=0.5)

# Contour plot of the log-likelihood
contour(p1, main="", levels=c(.5, .95, .99))

# the boxCox function can provide profile log-likelihoods for each of the two parameters:
boxCox(m1, family="skewPower", param="lambda", lambda=seq(0.25, 1.1, length=100))
boxCox(m1, family="skewPower", param="gamma", gamma=seq(3, 80, length=100))

#  Create new variate corresponding to the transformation, then update the regression
LoBD$z <- skewPower(LoBD$I1L1, lambda=p1$lambda, gamma=p1$gamma, jacobian.adjusted=FALSE)
m1.t <- update(m1, z ~ . -1)
#  The example in Hawkins and Weisberg(2015) requires computing the inverse of the skew power
# transformation and certain summaries of the updated regression
mu0 <- mean(coef(m1.t)[1:4])
sd <- sigmaHat(m1.t)
LoB <- mu0 + 1.645*sd
LoD <- LoB + 1.645*sd
skewPowerInverse <- function(z, lambda, gamma){
  q <- if(abs(lambda) <= 1.e-9) {2 * log(z)} else {2*(z*lambda + 1) ^(1/lambda)}
  (q^2 - gamma^2)/(2 * q)
y.untransformed <- round(skewPowerInverse(c(LoB, LoD), p1$lambda, p1$gamma), 2)

# Multivariate Response
p3 <- powerTransform(update(m1, as.matrix(cbind(LoBD$I1L2, LoBD$I1L1)) ~ .), family="skewPower")
# Construct test for the same transformations for each response.  Get new data file by stacking
d2 <- data.frame(assay = c(LoBD$I1L2, LoBD$I1L1), pool=factor(c(LoBD$pool, LoBD$pool)),
                 set=factor(rep(c("A", "B"), c(84, 84))))
# the following allows for different within set means, but common transformation parameters
p5 <- powerTransform(lm(assay ~ pool*set, d2), family="skewPower") # allow grps to differ by set.
c(df=(df <- length(coef(p3)) - length(coef(p5))),
  test = (test <- -.5 * (p5$value - p3$value)),
  pvalue = 1 - pchisq(test, df))

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