motifbreakR (version 1.2.2)

snps.from.file: Import SNPs from a BED file or VCF file for use in motifbreakR


Import SNPs from a BED file or VCF file for use in motifbreakR


snps.from.file(file = NULL, dbSNP = NULL, search.genome = NULL,
  format = "bed")


Character; a character containing the path to a bed file or a vcf file see Details for a description of the required format
OPTIONAL; an object of class SNPlocs to lookup rsids; see availible.SNPs in injectSNPs to check for availible SNPlocs
an object of class BSgenome for the species you are interrogating; see available.genomes for a list of species
Character; one of bed or vcf


  • a GRanges object containing:
  • SNP_idThe rsid of the snp with the "rs" portion stripped
  • alleles_as_ambigTHE IUPAC ambiguity code between the reference and alternate allele for this SNP
  • REFThe reference allele for the SNP
  • ALTThe alternate allele for the SNP


snps.from.file takes a character vector describing the file path to a bed file that contains the necissary information to generate the input for motifbreakR see for a complete description of the BED format. Our convention deviates in that there is a required format for the name field. name is defined as chromosome:start:REF:ALT or the rsid from dbSNP (if you've included the optional SNPlocs argument). For example if you were to include rs123 in it's alternate format it would be entered as chr7:24966446:C:A

See Also

See motifbreakR for analysis; See snps.from.rsid for an alternate method for generating a list of variants.


Run this code
 snps.bed.file <- system.file("extdata", "danRer.bed", package = "motifbreakR")
 # see the contents
 read.table(snps.bed.file, header = FALSE)
 #import the BED file
 snps.mb <- snps.from.file(snps.bed.file,
                           search.genome = BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7,
                           format = "bed")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab