CHNOSZ (version 1.3.2)

solubility: Equilibrium Chemical Activities of Species


Calculate chemical activities of species in equilibrium with a soluble basis species.


solubility(aout, dissociation = NULL, find.IS = FALSE, in.terms.of = NULL)



list, output from affinity


logical, does the mineral undergo a dissociation reaction?


logical, find the equilibrium ionic strength by iteration?


character, express the total solubility in terms of moles of this species


This function has not been tested for systems that may form dimers or higher-order complexes (such as AuS). Except for relatively simple systems, even after careful refinement, the results from CHNOSZ, which considers chemical activities as the independent variables, will not match the results from speciation-solubility (or Gibbs energy minimization) codes, where the system is defined by its bulk composition.


This function performs a simple task: from the values of affinity of formation reactions of species at given activity, it works backward to find the activities of species that make the affinities zero. This corresponds to complete equilibrium with all of the basis species. Usually, the basis species should be set up so that the first basis species represents the substance being dissolved (a mineral such as CaCO or gas such as CO). Internally, this is treated as the conserved basis species, so it must be present in all of the formation reactions of the species. It is also possible to set the conserved basis species as other than the first one (see demo(gold)), but this implies that dissociation reactions are not occurring (see below).

The species should be defined to represent one set of ions (anions or cations or their complexes) formed in solution, all involving the conserved basis species. For a dissociation reaction, the second basis species should be used to represent the counterion (cation or anion).

The function perfoms some additional steps to calculate the solubility of something that dissociates (not just dissolves). For example, the dissolution of calcite (CaCO), involves the release of both calcium ions and different forms of carbonate in solution, depending on the pH. The equilibrium calculation must take account of the total activity of the shared ion (Ca), which is unknown at the start of the calculation. The solution is accomplished by recalculating the affinities, essentially working backward from the assumption that the dissociation didn't occur. The resulting activities correspond to equilibrium considering the system-wide activity of Ca.

The function attempts to automatically detect whether dissociation reactions are involved by looking at the first species. If the formation reaction of that species includes both the first and second basis species, the dissociation flag is set to TRUE. An example reaction of this type can be found in demo(solubility): CaCO3 (first basis species) = Ca+2 (second basis species) + CO3-2 (first species). Note that if the conserved basis species is not the first basis species, then the automatic detection of dissociation will always return FALSE. Therefore, a reaction corresponding to Au (fourth basis species) + ... = ... gives dissociation = FALSE (see demo(gold)). This algorithm for determining whether dissociation occurs is prone to error, so dissociation can be explicitly set in the arguments. A not recommended alternative is to set dissociation to a numeric value corresponding to the stoichiometry of released species (i.e. 2 for a 1:1 electrolyte). This setting indicates to calculate activities on a per-reaction basis, where each reaction has its own (independent) activity of Ca. That does not give a complete equilibrium in the system, but may be required to reproduce some published diagrams.

Note that other variables (pH, ionic strength, activities of other basis species) should be defined in the preceding call to affinity. However, for dissolving a substance in pure water, find.IS can be set to TRUE to determine the final ionic strength. This works by calculating the ionic strength from the equilibrium solubility calculation, then re-running affinity with those values. Note that for dissociation reactions, the ionic strength is calculated from both the ions present in the species definition and the counter ion, which should be the second basis species. The calculation is iterated until the ionic strength deviation at every point is lower than a preset tolerance (1e-4). Alternatively, speciation of counterions (e.g. ionized forms of carbonate or sulfate) can also be accomplished by using the mosaic function instead of affinity. See the second example for this method.

The output of solubility has the same format as that of equilibrate, and can be used by diagram with type = "loga.balance" to plot the solubilities, or with type = NULL to plot the activities of species. The value of loga.balance reflects the activity (or molality) of the conserved basis species, i.e. the thing being dissolved. Use in.terms.of to express this value in terms of another species. For example, the solubility of corundum (AlO) can be expressed in terms of the moles of Al in solution (see the vignette anintro.Rmd).


Manning, C. E., Shock, E. L. and Sverjensky, D. A. (2013) The chemistry of carbon in aqueous fluids at crustal and upper-mantle conditions: Experimental and theoretical constraints. Rev. Mineral. Geochem. 75, 109--148.

Stumm, W. and Morgan, J. J. (1996) Aquatic Chemistry: Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1040 p.

See Also

demo("solubility") adds -pH diagrams to the CO and calcite example here. demo("gold") shows solubility calculations for Au in aqueous solutions with hydroxide, chloride, and hydrosulfide complexes. equilibrate calculates equilibrium chemical activities of species given a constant value of loga.balance (the logarithm of total activity of the conserved basis species).


Run this code
## solubility of CO2 and calcite as a function of pH
opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
## set pH range and resolution, constant temperature and ionic strength
pH <- c(0, 14)
res <- 100
T <- 25
IS <- 0
## start with CO2 (not a dissociation reaction)
basis(c("carbon dioxide", "H2O", "O2", "H+"))
# ca. atmospheric PCO2
basis("CO2", -3.5)
species(c("CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"))
a <- affinity(pH = c(pH, res), T = T, IS = IS)
s <- solubility(a)
# first plot total activity line
diagram(s, ylim = c(-10, 4), type = "loga.balance", lwd = 4, col = "green2")
# add activities of species
diagram(s, ylim=c(-10, 4), add = TRUE, dy = 1)
# add legend
lexpr <- as.expression(c("total", expr.species("CO2", state = "aq"),
  expr.species("HCO3-"), expr.species("CO3-2")))
legend("topleft", lty = c(1, 1:3), lwd = c(4, 2, 2, 2),
  col = c("green2", rep("black", 3)), legend = lexpr)
title(main = substitute("Solubility of"~what~"at"~T~degree*"C",
  list(what = expr.species("CO2"), T = T)), line = 1.5)
mtext("cf. Fig. 4.5 of Stumm and Morgan, 1996")
## now do calcite (a dissociation reaction)
basis(c("calcite", "Ca+2", "H2O", "O2", "H+"))
species(c("CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"))
a <- affinity(pH = c(pH, res), T = T, IS = IS)
s <- solubility(a)
diagram(s, ylim = c(-10, 4), type = "loga.balance", lwd = 4, col = "green2")
diagram(s, add = TRUE, dy = 1)
legend("topright", lty = c(1, 1:3), lwd = c(4, 2, 2, 2),
  col = c("green2", rep("black", 3)), legend = lexpr)
title(main = substitute("Solubility of"~what~"at"~T~degree*"C",
  list(what = "calcite", T = T)))
mtext("cf. Fig. 4A of Manning et al., 2013")

## two ways to calculate pH-dependent solubility of calcite
## with ionic strength determination
## method 1: CO2 and carbonate species as formed species
basis(c("calcite", "Ca+2", "H2O", "O2", "H+"))
species(c("CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"))
# ionic strength calculations don't converge below around pH=3
a <- affinity(pH = c(3, 14))
sa0 <- solubility(a)
saI <- solubility(a, find.IS = TRUE)
## method 2: CO2 and carbonate species as basis species
basis(c("calcite", "CO2", "H2O", "O2", "H+"))
m <- mosaic(c("CO2", "HCO3-", "CO3-2"), pH = c(3, 14))
sm0 <- solubility(m)
smI <- solubility(m, find.IS = TRUE)
## plot the results
plot(0, 0, xlab="pH", ylab="solubility, log mol", xlim = c(3, 14), ylim = c(-5, 2))
# method 1 with/without ionic strength
lines(a$vals[[1]], saI$loga.balance, lwd=5, col="lightblue")
lines(a$vals[[1]], sa0$loga.balance, lwd=5, col="pink")
# method 2 with/without ionic strength
lines(a$vals[[1]], smI$loga.balance, lty=2)
lines(a$vals[[1]], sm0$loga.balance, lty=2)
legend("topright", c("I = 0", "I = calculated", "mosaic method"),
       col = c("pink", "lightblue", "black"), lwd = c(5, 5, 1), lty = c(1, 1, 2))
title(main = "Solubility of calcite: Ionic strength and mosaic method")
# the two methods give nearly equivalent results
stopifnot(all.equal(sa0$loga.balance, sm0$loga.balance))
stopifnot(all.equal(saI$loga.balance, smI$loga.balance, tolerance = 0.003))
## NOTE: the second method (using mosaic) takes longer, but is
## more flexible; e.g. complexes with Ca+2 could be included
# }

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