stats (version 3.2.4)

sortedXyData: Create a sortedXyData Object


This is a constructor function for the class of sortedXyData objects. These objects are mostly used in the initial function for a self-starting nonlinear regression model, which will be of the selfStart class.


sortedXyData(x, y, data)


a numeric vector or an expression that will evaluate in data to a numeric vector
a numeric vector or an expression that will evaluate in data to a numeric vector
an optional data frame in which to evaluate expressions for x and y, if they are given as expressions


A sortedXyData object. This is a data frame with exactly two numeric columns, named x and y. The rows are sorted so the x column is in increasing order. Duplicate x values are eliminated by averaging the corresponding y values.

See Also

selfStart, NLSstClosestX, NLSstLfAsymptote, NLSstRtAsymptote


Run this code
DNase.2 <- DNase[ DNase$Run == "2", ]
sortedXyData( expression(log(conc)), expression(density), DNase.2 )

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