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spatstat (version 1.5-1)

spokes: Spokes pattern of dummy points


Generates a pattern of dummy points in a window, given a data point pattern. The dummy points lie on the radii of circles emanating from each data point.


spokes(x, y, nrad = 3, nper = 3, fctr = 1.5, Mdefault = 1)


Vector of $x$ coordinates of data points.
Vector of $y$ coordinates of data points.
Number of radii emanating from each data point.
Number of dummy points per radius.
Scale factor. Length of largest spoke radius is fctr * M where M is the mean nearest neighbour distance for the data points.
Value of M to be used if x has length 1.


  • A list with two components x and y, which are numeric vectors giving the coordinates of the dummy points.


This function is useful in creating dummy points for quadrature schemes (see quadscheme).

Given the point pattern specified by the vectors x and y, the function creates a pattern of nrad * nper * length(x) dummy points.

Around each data point (x[i],y[i]) there are nrad * nper dummy points, lying on nrad radii emanating from (x[i],y[i]), with nper dummy points equally spaced along each radius.

The (equal) spacing of dummy points along each radius is controlled by the factor fctr. The distance from a data point to the furthest of its associated dummy points is fctr * M where M is the mean nearest neighbour distance for the data points.

If the point pattern specified by x and y contains only one point, the nearest neighbour distance is infinite, so the value Mdefault will be used in place of M.

See Also

quad.object, quadscheme, inside.owin, gridcentres, stratrand


Run this code
dat <- runifrect(10)
  dum <- spokes(dat$x, dat$y)
  points(dum$x, dum$y, pch=".")
  Q <- quadscheme(dat, dum)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab