SpaDES (version 1.1.4)

spread: Simulate a spread process on a landscape.


This can be used to simulated fires or other things. Essentially, it starts from a collection of cells (loci) and spreads to neighbours, according to the directions and spreadProbLater arguments. This can become quite general, if spreadProbLater is 1 as it will expand from every loci until all pixels in the landscape have been covered. With mapID set to TRUE, the resulting map will be classified by the index of the pixel where that event propagated from. This can be used to examine things like fire size distributions.


spread(landscape, loci = NA_real_, spreadProb = 0.23, persistence = 0,
  mask = NA, maxSize = 100000000L, directions = 8L,
  iterations = 1000000L, lowMemory = getOption("spades.lowMemory"),
  returnIndices = FALSE, mapID = FALSE, = FALSE,
  spreadProbLater = NA_real_, spreadState = NA, ...)

## S3 method for class 'RasterLayer': spread(landscape, loci = NA_real_, spreadProb = 0.23, persistence = 0, mask = NA, maxSize = 100000000L, directions = 8L, iterations = 1000000L, lowMemory = getOption("spades.lowMemory"), returnIndices = FALSE, mapID = FALSE, = FALSE, spreadProbLater = NA_real_, spreadState = NA, ...)


A RasterLayer object.
A vector of locations in landscape
Numeric or rasterLayer. The overall probability of spreading, or probability raster driven. Default is 0.23. If a spreadProbLater is provided, then this is only used for the first iteration. Also called Escape probability.
A probability that an active cell will continue to burn, per time step.
non-NULL, a RasterLayer object congruent with landscape whose elements are 0,1, where 1 indicates "cannot spread to". Currently not implemented.
Vector of the maximum number of pixels for a single or all events to be spread. Recycled to match loci length.
The number adjacent cells in which to look; default is 8 (Queen case).
Number of iterations to spread. Leaving this NULL allows the spread to continue until stops spreading itself (i.e., exhausts itself).
Logical. If true, then function uses package ff internally. This is slower, but much lower memory footprint.
Logical. Should the function return a data.table with indices and values of successful spread events, or return a raster with values. See Details.
Logical. If TRUE, returns a raster of events ids. If FALSE, returns a raster of iteration numbers, i.e., the spread history of one or more events. NOTE: this is overridden if returnIndices is TRUE.
If TRUE, then plot the raster at every iteraction, so one can watch the spread event grow.
Numeric or rasterLayer. If provided, then this will become the spreadProb after the first iteration. See details.
Data.table. This should be the output of a previous call to spread. See Details.
Additional parameters.


  • Either a RasterLayer indicating the spread of the process in the landscape or a data.table. If a RasterLayer, then it represents every pixel in which a successful spread event occurred. For the case of, say, a fire this would represent every pixel that burned. If returnIndices is TRUE, then this function returns a data.table with columns:

    indices is the pixel indices of pixels that have been touched by the spread algorithm.

    eventID is an arbitrary ID 1:length(loci) identifying unique clusters of spread events, i.e., all pixels that have been spread into that have a common initial pixel.

    active is a logical indicating whether the pixel is active (i.e., could still be a source for spreading) or not (no spreading will occur from these pixels).

    initialIndex, the initial pixel number of that particular spread event.


For large rasters, a combination of lowMemory = TRUE and returnIndices = TRUE will use the least amount of memory.

This function can be interrupted before all active cells are exhausted if the iterations value is reached before there are no more active cells to spread into. If this is desired, returnIndices should be TRUE and the output of this call can be passed subsequently as an input to this same function. This is intended to be used for situations where external events happen during a spread event, or where one or more arguments to the spread function change before a spread event is completed. For example, if it is desired that the spreadProb change before a spread event is completed because, for example, a fire is spreading, and a new set of conditions arise due to a change in weather.


Run this code

# Make random forest cover map
a <- raster(extent(0,1e2,0,1e2), res = 1)
hab <- gaussMap(a,speedup = 1) # if raster is large (>1e6 pixels), use speedup>1
names(hab) = "hab"
cells <- loci <- b <- as.integer(sample(1:ncell(a),1e1))
mask <- raster(a)
mask <- setValues(mask, 0)
mask[1:5000] <- 1
numCol <- ncol(a)
numCell <- ncell(a)
directions <- 8

# Transparency involves putting two more hex digits on the color code: 00 is fully transparent.
setColors(hab) <- paste(c("#FFFFFF", brewer.pal(8, "Greys")), c("00", rep("FF", 8)), sep = "")

Plot(hab, new = TRUE, speedup = 3) # note speedup is equivalent to making pyramids,
                             # so, some details are lost

# initiate 10 fires at to loci
fires <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)),
                0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, 1e6, mapID = TRUE)
#set colors of raster, including a transparent layer for zeros
setColors(fires, 10) <- c("#00000000", brewer.pal(8,"Reds")[5:8])
Plot(fires,addTo = "hab")

#alternatively, set colors using cols= in the Plot function
Plot(hab, new = TRUE)
Plot(fires) # default color range makes zero transparent.
# Instead, to give a color to the zero values, use \\code{zero.color=}
Plot(fires, addTo = "hab",
     cols = colorRampPalette(c("orange","darkred"))(10))
hab2 <- hab
Plot(fires, addTo = "hab2", zero.color = "white",
     cols = colorRampPalette(c("orange","darkred"))(10))
# or overplot the original (NOTE: legend stays at original values)
     cols = topo.colors(10))

## Use interrupt a spread event using iterations - need returnIndices=TRUE to use outputs
##   as new inputs in next iteration
fires <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices=TRUE,
                0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 3, mapID = TRUE)
fires[,list(size=length(initialLocus)), by=eventID]  # See sizes of fires

## Continue event by passing interrupted object into spreadState
fires2 <- spread(hab, loci=NA_real_, returnIndices=TRUE, 0.235,
                 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 2, mapID = TRUE,
# NOTE events are assigned arbitrary IDs, starting at 1

## Add new fires to the already burning fires
fires3 <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices=TRUE,
                     0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 1, mapID = TRUE,
fires3[,list(size=length(initialLocus)), by=eventID]  # See sizes of fires
# NOTE old eventIDs are maintained, new events get ids begining above previous
# maximum (e.g., new fires 11 to 20 here)

## Use data.table and loci...
fires <- spread(hab, loci = as.integer(sample(1:ncell(hab), 10)), returnIndices=TRUE,
                0.235, 0, NULL, 1e8, 8, iterations = 2, mapID = TRUE)
fullRas <- raster(hab)
fullRas[] <- 1:ncell(hab)
burned <- fires[active == FALSE]
burnedMap <- rasterizeReduced(burned, fullRas, "eventID", "indices")
Plot(burnedMap, new=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab