surveillance (version 1.12.1)

stK: Diggle et al (1995) K-function test for space-time clustering


The function stKtest wraps functions in package splancs to perform the K-function based Monte Carlo permutation test for space-time clustering (Diggle et al, 1995) for "epidataCS". The implementation is due to Meyer et al. (2016).


stKtest(object, eps.s = NULL, eps.t = NULL, B = 199,
        cores = 1, seed = NULL, poly = object$W)

## S3 method for class 'stKtest': plot(x, which = c("D", "R", "MC"), args.D = list(), args.D0 = args.D, args.R = list(), args.MC = list(), mfrow = sort(n2mfrow(length(which))), ...)


an object of class "epidataCS".
eps.s, eps.t
numeric vectors defining the spatial and temporal grids of critical distances over which to evaluate the test. The default (NULL) uses equidistant values from 0 to the smallest eps.s/eps.t value in
the number of permutations.
the number of parallel processes over which to distribute the requested number of permutations.
argument for set.seed to initialize the random number generator such that results become reproducible (also if cores > 1, see plapply).
the polygonal observation region of the events (as an object handled by xylist). The default object$W might not work since package splancs does not support multi-polygons. In
an "stKtest".
a character vector indicating which diagnostic plots to produce. The full set is c("D", "D0", "R", "MC"). The special value which = "stdiagn" means to call the associated splancs function
argument lists for the plot functions persp (for "D" and "D0"), plot.default ("R"), and
par-setting to layout the plots. Ignored for which = "stdiagn" and if set to NULL.
ignored (argument of the generic).


  • an object of class "stKtest" (inheriting from "htest"), which is a list with the following components:
  • methoda character string indicating the type of test performed.
  • data.namea character string naming the supplied object.
  • statisticthe sum $U$ of the standardized residuals $R(s,t)$.
  • parameterthe number B of permutations.
  • p.valuethe p-value for the test.
  • ptsthe coordinate matrix of the event locations (for stdiagn.
  • stKthe estimated K-function as returned by stkhat.
  • seDthe standard error of the estimated $D(s,t)$ as returned by stsecal.
  • mctestthe observed and permutation values of the test statistic as returned by stmctest.
  • The plot-method invisibly returns NULL.


Diggle, P. J.; Chetwynd, A. G.; H{ae}ggkvist, R. and Morris, S. E. (1995): Second-order analysis of space-time clustering Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 4, 124-136.

Meyer, S., Warnke, I., R{oe}ssler, W. and Held, L. (2016): Model-based testing for space-time interaction using point processes: An application to psychiatric hospital admissions in an urban area. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 17, 15-25. 10.1016/j.sste.2016.03.002. Eprint:

See Also

the simple knox test and function epitest for testing "twinstim" models.


Run this code
if (requireNamespace("splancs")) {
    imdepiB <- subset(imdepi, type == "B")
    mainpoly <- coordinates(imdepiB$W@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[5]])
    if (surveillance.options("allExamples")) {
        SGRID <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200)
        TGRID <- c(0, 7, 14, 21, 28)
        B <- 99
        CORES <- 2
    } else { # dummy settings for fast CRAN checks
        SGRID <- c(0, 50)
        TGRID <- c(0, 30)
        B <- 9
        CORES <- 1
    imdBstKtest <- stKtest(imdepiB, eps.s = SGRID, eps.t = TGRID, B = B,
                           cores = CORES, seed = 1, poly = list(mainpoly))

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