sf (version 0.2-2)

st: Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list


Create simple feature from a numeric vector, matrix or list


st_point(x = c(NA_real_, NA_real_), dim = "XYZ")
st_multipoint(x = matrix(numeric(0), 0, 2), dim = "XYZ")
st_linestring(x = matrix(numeric(0), 0, 2), dim = "XYZ")
st_polygon(x = list(), dim = "XYZ")
st_multilinestring(x = list(), dim = "XYZ")
st_multipolygon(x = list(), dim = "XYZ")
st_geometrycollection(x = list(), dims = "XY")
"print"(x, ..., digits = 0)
"head"(x, n = 10L, ...)
"format"(x, ..., digits = 30)
"c"(..., recursive = FALSE, flatten = TRUE)


for st_point, numeric vector (or one-row-matrix) of length 2, 3 or 4; for st_linestring and st_multipoint, numeric matrix with points in rows; for st_polygon and st_multilinestring, list with numeric matrices with points in rows; for st_multipolygon, list of lists with numeric matrices; for st_geometrycollection list with (non-geometrycollection) simple feature objects
character, indicating dimensions: "XY", "XYZ", "XYM", or "XYZM"; only really needed for three-dimensional points (which can be either XYZ or XYM) or empty geometries; see details
character; specify dimensionality in case of an empty (NULL) geometrycollection, in which case x is the empty list().
objects to be pasted together into a single simple feature
integer; number of characters to be printed (max 30; 0 means print everything)
integer; number of elements to be selected
logical; ignored
logical; if TRUE, try to simplify results; if FALSE, return geometrycollection containing all objects


object of the same nature as x, but with appropriate class attribute set


"XYZ" refers to coordinates where the third dimension represents altitude, "XYM" refers to three-dimensional coordinates where the third dimension refers to something else ("M" for measure); checking of the sanity of x may be only partial.

when flatten=TRUE, this method may merge points into a multipoint structure, and may not preserve order, and hence cannot be reverted. When given fish, it returns fish soup.


Run this code
(p1 = st_point(c(1,2)))
(p2 = st_point(c(1,2,3)))
(p3 = st_point(c(1,2,3), "XYM"))
pts = matrix(1:10, , 2)
(mp1 = st_multipoint(pts))
pts = matrix(1:15, , 3)
(mp2 = st_multipoint(pts))
(mp3 = st_multipoint(pts, "XYM"))
pts = matrix(1:20, , 4)
(mp4 = st_multipoint(pts))
pts = matrix(1:10, , 2)
(ls1 = st_linestring(pts))
pts = matrix(1:15, , 3)
(ls2 = st_linestring(pts))
(ls3 = st_linestring(pts, "XYM"))
pts = matrix(1:20, , 4)
(ls4 = st_linestring(pts))
outer = matrix(c(0,0,10,0,10,10,0,10,0,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
hole1 = matrix(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
hole2 = matrix(c(5,5,5,6,6,6,6,5,5,5),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
pts = list(outer, hole1, hole2)
(ml1 = st_multilinestring(pts))
pts3 = lapply(pts, function(x) cbind(x, 0))
(ml2 = st_multilinestring(pts3))
(ml3 = st_multilinestring(pts3, "XYM"))
pts4 = lapply(pts3, function(x) cbind(x, 0))
(ml4 = st_multilinestring(pts4))
outer = matrix(c(0,0,10,0,10,10,0,10,0,0),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
hole1 = matrix(c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
hole2 = matrix(c(5,5,5,6,6,6,6,5,5,5),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
pts = list(outer, hole1, hole2)
(pl1 = st_polygon(pts))
pts3 = lapply(pts, function(x) cbind(x, 0))
(pl2 = st_polygon(pts3))
(pl3 = st_polygon(pts3, "XYM"))
pts4 = lapply(pts3, function(x) cbind(x, 0))
(pl4 = st_polygon(pts4))
pol1 = list(outer, hole1, hole2)
pol2 = list(outer + 12, hole1 + 12)
pol3 = list(outer + 24)
mp = list(pol1,pol2,pol3)
(mp1 = st_multipolygon(mp))
pts3 = lapply(mp, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) cbind(y, 0)))
(mp2 = st_multipolygon(pts3))
(mp3 = st_multipolygon(pts3, "XYM"))
pts4 = lapply(mp2, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) cbind(y, 0)))
(mp4 = st_multipolygon(pts4))
(gc = st_geometrycollection(list(p1, ls1, pl1, mp1)))
st_geometrycollection() # empty geometry
c(st_point(1:2), st_point(5:6))
c(st_point(1:2), st_multipoint(matrix(5:8,2)))
c(st_multipoint(matrix(1:4,2)), st_multipoint(matrix(5:8,2)))
c(st_linestring(matrix(1:6,3)), st_linestring(matrix(11:16,3)))
c(st_multilinestring(list(matrix(1:6,3))), st_multilinestring(list(matrix(11:16,3))))
pl = list(rbind(c(0,0), c(1,0), c(1,1), c(0,1), c(0,0)))
c(st_polygon(pl), st_polygon(pl))
c(st_polygon(pl), st_multipolygon(list(pl)))
c(st_linestring(matrix(1:6,3)), st_point(1:2))
c(st_geometrycollection(list(st_point(1:2), st_linestring(matrix(1:6,3)))),
c(st_geometrycollection(list(st_point(1:2), st_linestring(matrix(1:6,3)))),
  st_multilinestring(list(matrix(11:16,3))), st_point(5:6), 

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