brms (version 1.4.0)

stanplot.brmsfit: MCMC Plots Implemented in bayesplot


Conveniant way to call MCMC plotting functions implemented in the bayesplot package.


"stanplot"(object, pars = NA, type = "intervals", exact_match = FALSE, ...)
stanplot(object, ...)


An R object typically of class brmsfit
Names of parameters to be plotted, as given by a character vector or regular expressions. By default, all parameters except for group-level and smooth effects are plotted. May be ignored for some plots.
The type of the plot. Supported types are (as names) hist, dens, hist_by_chain, dens_overlay, violin, intervals, areas, acf, acf_bar,trace, trace_highlight, scatter, rhat, rhat_hist, neff, neff_hist nuts_acceptance, nuts_divergence, nuts_stepsize, nuts_treedepth, and nuts_energy. For an overview on the various plot types see MCMC-overview.
Indicates whether parameter names should be matched exactly or treated as regular expression. Default is FALSE.
Additional arguments passed to the plotting functions. See MCMC-overview for more details.


A ggplot object that can be further customized using the ggplot2 package.


Also consider using the shinystan package available via method launch_shiny in brms for flexible and interactive visual analysis.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# model <- brm(count ~ log_Age_c + log_Base4_c * Trt_c 
#              + (1|patient) + (1|visit),
#              data = epilepsy, family = "poisson")
# # plot posterior intervals
# stanplot(model)
# # only show population-level effects in the plots
# stanplot(model, pars = "^b_")
# # show histograms of the posterior distributions
# stanplot(model, type = "hist")
# # plot some diagnostics of the sampler
# stanplot(model, type = "neff")
# stanplot(model, type = "rhat")
# # plot some diagnostics specific to the NUTS sampler
# stanplot(model, type = "nuts_acceptance")
# stanplot(model, type = "nuts_divergence")
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab