flows (version 1.1.1)

statmat: Descriptive Statistics on Flow Matrix


This function provides various indicators and graphical outputs on a flow matrix.


statmat(mat, output = "all", verbose = TRUE)


A square matrix of flows.
Graphical output. Choices are "all" for all graphics, "none" to avoid any graphical output, "degree" for degree distribution, "wdegree" for weighted degree distribution, "lorenz" for Lorenz curve of link weights and "boxplot" for boxplot of link weights (see 'Details').
A boolean, if TRUE, returns statistics in the console.


The function returns a list of statistics and may plot graphics.
  • nblinks: number of cells with values > 0
  • density: number of links divided by number of possible links (also called gamma index by geographers), loops excluded
  • connectcomp: number of connected components (isolates included, weakly connected: use of clusters where mode = "weak")
  • connectcompx: number of connected components (isolates deleted, weakly connected: use of clusters where mode = "weak")
  • sizecomp: a data.frame of connected components: size and sum of flows per component (isolates included)
  • compocomp: a data.frame of connected components giving membership of units (isolates included)
  • degrees: a data.frame of nodes degrees and weighted degrees
  • sumflows: sum of flows
  • min: minimum flow
  • Q1: first quartile of flows
  • median: median flow
  • Q3: third quartile of flows
  • max: maximum flow
  • mean: mean flow
  • sd: standart deviation of flows


Graphical ouputs concern outdegrees by default. If the matrix is transposed, outputs concern indegrees.

See Also



Run this code
# Import data
myflows <- prepflows(mat = nav, i = "i", j = "j", fij = "fij")

# Get statistics and graphs about the matrix
mystats <- statmat(mat = myflows, output = "all", verbose = TRUE)

# Size of connected components

# Sum of flows

# Plot Lorenz curve only
statmat(mat = myflows, output = "lorenz", verbose = FALSE)

# Statistics only
mystats <- statmat(mat = myflows, output = "none", verbose = FALSE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab