loggle (version 1.0)

stockdata: Stock prices of S&P 500 companies from 2007 to 2016


This dataset contains stock closing prices and company information of S&P 500 companies (updated on 2017-01-01).





This dataset consists of two matrices:

1. data - 2518x455: 455 stocks' closing prices at 2518 trading days from 2007 to 2016. Trading dates are represented as row name in data matrix and company names are represented as column name in data matrix.

2. info - 455x3: 1st column: ticker symbol of each company. 2nd column: Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) sector of each company. 3rd column: full name of each company.


This dataset can be used in time-varying graph estimation to reveal the dynamic relationships between S&P 500 companies from 2007 to 2016.


Yang, J. & Peng, J. (2018), 'Estimating Time-Varying Graphical Models', arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03811


Run this code

date.index <- rownames(stockdata$data)
stock.sector <- stockdata$info[, "sector"]

# select stocks from sector Materials and
# Telecommunications Services
sp.m <- t(stockdata$data[date.index < "2011-01-01", 
stock.sector == "Materials"])
sp.t <- t(stockdata$data[date.index < "2011-01-01", 
stock.sector == "Telecommunications Services"])
sp <- rbind(sp.m, sp.t)

# construct data matrix by taking log ratio of prices
# between adjacent time points
p <- dim(sp)[1]
N <- dim(sp)[2]-1
X <- matrix(0, p, N)
for(i in 1:p) {
  X[i, ] <- scale(log(sp[i, -1] / sp[i, -(N+1)]))
dim(X)  # dimension of data matrix

# positions of time points to estimate graphs
pos <- round(seq(0.1, 0.9, length=9)*(N-1)+1)
# estimate time-varying graphs and conduct model 
# selection via cross-validation
result <- loggle.cv.h(X, pos, h = 0.1, 
d.list = c(0, 0.02, 0.05), 
lambda.list = 10 ^ c(-0.5, -0.3), cv.fold = 3,
fit.type = "pseudo", num.thread = 1)

# graphs at specified time points in selected model
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
pos.plot <- round(seq(2, length(pos)-1, length = 4))
for(k in 1:length(pos.plot)) {
  adj.matrix <- 
  net <- graph.adjacency(adj.matrix, mode = "undirected", 
  diag = FALSE)
  V(net)$color <- rep(rainbow(2), times = c(nrow(sp.m), 
  sp.ind <- rep(1:2, times = c(nrow(sp.m), nrow(sp.t)))
  E(net)$color <- apply(get.edgelist(net), 1, function(x) 
  ifelse(sp.ind[x[1]] == sp.ind[x[2]], "black", "gray"))
  E(net)$width <- apply(get.edgelist(net), 1, function(x) 
  ifelse(sp.ind[x[1]] == sp.ind[x[2]], 1, 0.5))
  plot(net, vertex.size = 3, vertex.label = NA, layout = 
  layout.circle, main = date.index[pos[pos.plot[k]]])
  legend("bottomright", c("Materials", "Tele. Services"), 
  pch = 21, pt.bg = rainbow(2), cex = 0.6)
  legend("bottomleft", c("within sector", 
  "cross sector"), lwd = c(1, 0.4), col = c("black", 
  "gray"), cex = 0.6)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab