stringi (version 0.2-3)

stri_locate_all_fixed: Locate Occurrences of a Fixed Pattern


These functions find the indices, at which a given pattern matches a substring of the input string.


stri_locate_all_fixed(str, pattern)

stri_locate_first_fixed(str, pattern)

stri_locate_last_fixed(str, pattern)


character vector
character vector


  • For stri_locate_all_fixed, a list of max(length(str), length(pattern)) integer matrices is returned. The first column gives the start positions of matches, and the second column gives the end positions. Moreover, you may gen two NAs in one row for no match or NA arguments.

    For stri_locate_first_fixed and stri_locate_last_fixed, you get an integer matrix with max(length(str), length(pattern)) rows, and two columns, giving the start and end positions of the first or the last matches, respectively, and NAs iff not found.


Vectorized over str and pattern.

These are locale-independent operations. For natural language processing this function may be not give you desired results. Refer to stringi-search-fixed for more details.

Note the difference between stri_locate_last_fixed and stri_locate_last_regex for overlapping pattern matches. In stri_locate_last_fixed, search is done from-the-end.

See Also

Other indexing: stri_locate_all_charclass, stri_locate_first_charclass, stri_locate_first_charclass, stri_locate_last_charclass, stri_locate_last_charclass; stri_locate_all_coll, stri_locate_first_coll, stri_locate_first_coll, stri_locate_last_coll, stri_locate_last_coll; stri_locate_all_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_last_regex, stri_locate_last_regex; stri_locate_all; stri_locate_boundaries; stri_locate_first; stri_locate_last; stri_locate_words; stri_locate; stri_sub, stri_sub<-

Other search_fixed: stri_count_fixed; stri_detect_fixed; stri_replace_all_fixed, stri_replace_first_fixed, stri_replace_first_fixed, stri_replace_last_fixed, stri_replace_last_fixed; stri_split_fixed; stringi-search-fixed; stringi-search

Other search_locate: stri_locate_all_charclass, stri_locate_first_charclass, stri_locate_first_charclass, stri_locate_last_charclass, stri_locate_last_charclass; stri_locate_all_coll, stri_locate_first_coll, stri_locate_first_coll, stri_locate_last_coll, stri_locate_last_coll; stri_locate_all_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_first_regex, stri_locate_last_regex, stri_locate_last_regex; stri_locate_all; stri_locate_boundaries; stri_locate_first; stri_locate_last; stri_locate_words; stri_locate; stringi-search


Run this code
stri_locate_all_fixed(c('AaaaaaaA', 'AAAA'), 'a')
stri_locate_first_fixed(c('AaaaaaaA', 'aaa', 'AAA'), 'a')
stri_locate_last_fixed(c('AaaaaaaA', 'aaa', 'AAA'), 'a')

#first row is 1-2 like in locate_first
stri_locate_all_fixed('bbbbb', 'bb')
stri_locate_first_fixed('bbbbb', 'bb')
# but last row is 3-4, unlike in locate_last,
# keep this in mind [overlapping pattern match OK]!
stri_locate_last_fixed('bbbbb', 'bb')

locate <- stri_locate_first_fixed('stringi - REXAMINE', letters)
rownames(locate) <- letters

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab