stringi (version 0.3-1)

stri_split: Split a String By Pattern Matches


Splits each element of str into substrings. pattern indicates delimiters that separate the input into tokens. The input data between the matches become the fields themselves.


stri_split(str, ..., regex, fixed, coll, charclass)

stri_split_fixed(str, pattern, n_max = -1L, omit_empty = FALSE, tokens_only = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)

stri_split_regex(str, pattern, n_max = -1L, omit_empty = FALSE, tokens_only = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, opts_regex = NULL)

stri_split_coll(str, pattern, n_max = -1L, omit_empty = FALSE, tokens_only = FALSE, simplify = FALSE, opts_collator = NULL)

stri_split_charclass(str, pattern, n_max = -1L, omit_empty = FALSE, tokens_only = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)


character vector with strings to search in
additional arguments passed to the underlying functions; stri_split only
character vector defining search patterns; for more details refer to stringi-search
integer vector, maximal number of strings to return
logical vector; determines whether empty tokens should be removed from the result (TRUE) or replaced with NAs (NA)
single logical value; may affect the result if n_max is positive, see Details
single logical value; if TRUE, then a character matrix is returned; otherwise (the default), a list of character vectors is given, see Value
a named list with ICU Regex settings as generated with stri_opts_regex; NULL for default settings; stri_split_regex only
a named list with ICU Collator's settings as generated with stri_opts_collator; NULL for default settings; stri_split_coll only


  • If simplify == FALSE (the default), then the functions return a list of character vectors.

    Otherwise, stri_list2matrix with byrow=TRUE argument is called on the resulting object. In such a case, a character matrix with an appropriate number of rows (according to the length of str, pattern, etc.) is returned.


Vectorized over str, pattern, n_max, and omit_empty.

If n_max is negative (default), then all pieces are extracted. Otherwise, if tokens_only is FALSE (this is the default, for compatibility with the stringr package), then n_max - 1 tokes are extracted (if possible) and the n_max-th string gives the (non-split) remainder (see Examples). On the other hand, if tokens_only is TRUE, then only full tokens (up to n_max pieces) are extracted.

omit_empty is applied during splitting: if it is set to TRUE, then tokens of zero length are ignored. Thus, empty strings will never appear in the resulting vector. On the other hand, if omit_empty is NA, then empty tokes are substituted with missing strings.

Empty search patterns are not supported. If you would like to split a string into individual characters, use e.g. stri_split_boundaries(str, stri_opts_brkiter(type="character")) for THE Unicode way.

stri_split is a convenience function. It calls either stri_split_regex, stri_split_fixed, stri_split_coll, or stri_split_charclass, depending on the argument used. Unless you are a very lazy person, please call the underlying functions directly for better performance.

See Also

Other search_split: stri_split_boundaries; stri_split_lines, stri_split_lines1, stri_split_lines1; stringi-search


Run this code
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c_d", "_")
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_")
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", omit_empty=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", n_max=2, tokens_only=FALSE) # "a" & remainder
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", n_max=2, tokens_only=TRUE) # "a" & "b" only
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", n_max=4, omit_empty=TRUE, tokens_only=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", n_max=4, omit_empty=FALSE, tokens_only=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed("a_b_c__d", "_", omit_empty=NA)
stri_split_fixed(c("ab_c", "d_ef_g", "h", ""), "_", n_max=1, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed(c("ab_c", "d_ef_g", "h", ""), "_", n_max=2, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed(c("ab_c", "d_ef_g", "h", ""), "_", n_max=3, tokens_only=TRUE, omit_empty=TRUE)

stri_list2matrix(stri_split_fixed(c("ab,c", "d,ef,g", ",h", ""), ",", omit_empty=TRUE))
stri_split_fixed(c("ab,c", "d,ef,g", ",h", ""), ",", omit_empty=TRUE, simplify=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed(c("ab,c", "d,ef,g", ",h", ""), ",", omit_empty=FALSE, simplify=TRUE)
stri_split_fixed(c("ab,c", "d,ef,g", ",h", ""), ",", omit_empty=NA, simplify=TRUE)

stri_split_regex(c("ab,c", "d,ef  ,  g", ",  h", ""),
   "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}*,\\p{WHITE_SPACE}*", omit_empty=NA, simplify=TRUE)

stri_split_charclass("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}")
stri_split_charclass(" Lorem  ipsum dolor", "\\p{WHITE_SPACE}", n_max=3,
   omit_empty=c(FALSE, TRUE))

stri_split_regex("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
   "\\p{Z}+") # see also stri_split_charclass

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