HH (version 3.1-37)

strip.useOuterStrips.first: Functions based on strip.default for use with the useOuterScales function.


Functions based on strip.default for use with the useOuterScales function. See useOuterScales for more information.


strip.useOuterStrips.first(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.useOuterStrips.last(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.left.useOuterStrips(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.top2(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.top1(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.left2(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)
strip.left1(which.given, which.panel, var.name, ...)


which.given, which.panel, var.name, …


See strip.default.


The appropriate function is chosen by specifying arguments to useOuterScales.

strip.useOuterStrips.first places strip labels at the top of the first row of lattice panels. Used when as.table==TRUE.

strip.useOuterStrips.last places strip labels at the top of the first row of lattice panels. Used when as.table==FALSE.

strip.left.useOuterStrips places strip labels at the left of the first column of lattice panels.

strip.top2 places row strip labels at the top of each panel.

strip.top1 places column strip labels at the top of each panel.

strip.left2 places row strip labels at the left of each panel.

strip.left1 places column strip labels at the left of each panel.

See Also



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## See examples in ?useOuterScales
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