Biostrings (version 2.40.2)

substitution.matrices: Scoring matrices


Predefined substitution matrices for nucleotide and amino acid alignments.


data(BLOSUM45) data(BLOSUM50) data(BLOSUM62) data(BLOSUM80) data(BLOSUM100) data(PAM30) data(PAM40) data(PAM70) data(PAM120) data(PAM250) nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix(match = 1, mismatch = 0, baseOnly = FALSE, type = "DNA") qualitySubstitutionMatrices(fuzzyMatch = c(0, 1), alphabetLength = 4L, qualityClass = "PhredQuality", bitScale = 1) errorSubstitutionMatrices(errorProbability, fuzzyMatch = c(0, 1), alphabetLength = 4L, bitScale = 1)


the scoring for a nucleotide match.
the scoring for a nucleotide mismatch.
TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, only uses the letters in the "base" alphabet i.e. "A", "C", "G", "T".
either "DNA" or "RNA".
a named or unnamed numeric vector representing the base match probability.
a named or unnamed numeric vector representing the error probability.
an integer representing the number of letters in the underlying string alphabet. For DNA and RNA, this would be 4L. For Amino Acids, this could be 20L.
a character string of "PhredQuality", "SolexaQuality", or "IlluminaQuality".
a numeric value to scale the quality-based substitution matrices. By default, this is 1, representing bit-scale scoring.


The BLOSUM and PAM matrices are square symmetric matrices with integer coefficients, whose row and column names are identical and unique: each name is a single letter representing a nucleotide or an amino acid. nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix produces a substitution matrix for all IUPAC nucleic acid codes based upon match and mismatch parameters. errorSubstitutionMatrices produces a two element list of numeric square symmetric matrices, one for matches and one for mismatches. qualitySubstitutionMatrices produces the substitution matrices for Phred or Solexa quality-based reads.


The BLOSUM and PAM matrices are not unique. For example, the definition of the widely used BLOSUM62 matrix varies depending on the source, and even a given source can provide different versions of "BLOSUM62" without keeping track of the changes over time. NCBI provides many matrices here but their definitions don't match those of the matrices bundled with their stand-alone BLAST software available here

The BLOSUM45, BLOSUM62, BLOSUM80, PAM30 and PAM70 matrices were taken from NCBI stand-alone BLAST software.

The BLOSUM50, BLOSUM100, PAM40, PAM120 and PAM250 matrices were taken from

The quality matrices computed in qualitySubstitutionMatrices are based on the paper by Ketil Malde. Let $\epsilon_i$ be the probability of an error in the base read. For "Phred" quality measures $Q$ in $[0, 99]$, these error probabilities are given by $\epsilon_i = 10^{-Q/10}$. For "Solexa" quality measures $Q$ in $[-5, 99]$, they are given by $\epsilon_i = 1 - 1/(1 + 10^{-Q/10})$. Assuming independence within and between base reads, the combined error probability of a mismatch when the underlying bases do match is $\epsilon_c = \epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 - (n/(n-1)) * \epsilon_1 * \epsilon_2$, where $n$ is the number of letters in the underlying alphabet. Using $\epsilon_c$, the substitution score is given by when two bases match is given by $b * \log_2(\gamma_{x,y} * (1 - \epsilon_c) * n + (1 - \gamma_{x,y}) * \epsilon_c * (n/(n-1)))$, where $b$ is the bit-scaling for the scoring and $\gamma_{x,y}$ is the probability that characters $x$ and $y$ represents the same underlying information (e.g. using IUPAC, $\gamma_{A,A} = 1$ and $\gamma_{A,N} = 1/4$. In the arguments listed above fuzzyMatch represents $\gamma_{x,y}$ and errorProbability represents $\epsilon_i$.


K. Malde, The effect of sequence quality on sequence alignment, Bioinformatics, Feb 23, 2008.

See Also

pairwiseAlignment, PairwiseAlignments-class, DNAString-class, AAString-class, PhredQuality-class, SolexaQuality-class, IlluminaQuality-class


Run this code
  s1 <- 
  s2 <-

  ## Fit a global pairwise alignment using edit distance scoring
  pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2,
                    substitutionMatrix = nucleotideSubstitutionMatrix(0, -1, TRUE),
                    gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1)

  ## Examine quality-based match and mismatch bit scores for DNA/RNA
  ## strings in pairwiseAlignment.
  ## By default patternQuality and subjectQuality are PhredQuality(22L).
  qualityMatrices <- qualitySubstitutionMatrices()
  qualityMatrices["22", "22", "1"]
  qualityMatrices["22", "22", "0"]

  pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2)

  ## Get the substitution scores when the error probability is 0.1
  subscores <- errorSubstitutionMatrices(errorProbability = 0.1)
  submat <- matrix(subscores[,,"0"], 4, 4)
  diag(submat) <- subscores[,,"1"]
  dimnames(submat) <- list(DNA_ALPHABET[1:4], DNA_ALPHABET[1:4])
  pairwiseAlignment(s1, s2, substitutionMatrix = submat)

  ## Align two amino acid sequences with the BLOSUM62 matrix
  pairwiseAlignment(aa1, aa2, substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM62", gapOpening = 3, gapExtension = 1)

  ## See how the gap penalty influences the alignment
  pairwiseAlignment(aa1, aa2, substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM62", gapOpening = 6, gapExtension = 2)

  ## See how the substitution matrix influences the alignment
  pairwiseAlignment(aa1, aa2, substitutionMatrix = "BLOSUM50", gapOpening = 3, gapExtension = 1)

  if (interactive()) {
    ## Compare our BLOSUM62 with BLOSUM62 from
    BLOSUM62["Q", "Z"]
    file <- ""
    b62 <- as.matrix(read.table(file, check.names=FALSE))
    b62["Q", "Z"]

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab