germinationmetrics (version 0.1.3)

t50: Median germination time


Compute the median germination time (). Median germination time is the time to reach 50% of final/maximum germination.


t50(germ.counts, intervals, partial = TRUE, method = c("coolbear",



Germination counts at each time interval. Can be partial or cumulative as specified in the argument partial.


The time intervals.


logical. If TRUE, germ.counts is considered as partial and if FALSE, it is considered as cumulative. Default is TRUE.


The method for computing median germination time. Either "coolbear" or "farooq".


The median germination time () value in the same unit of time as specified in the argument intervals.


With argument method specified as "coolbear", median germination time is computed according to the formula by coolbear_effect_1984;textualgerminationmetrics as follows:

Where, is the median germination time, is the final number of germinated seeds and and are the total number of seeds germinated in adjacent counts at time and respectively, when .

Similarly with argument method specified as "farooq", median germination time is computed according to the formula by by farooq_thermal_2005;textualgerminationmetrics as follows:

Where, is the median germination time, is the final number of germinated seeds and and are the total number of seeds germinated in adjacent counts at time and respectively, when .


See Also



Run this code
x <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 17, 10, 7, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
y <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 21, 31, 38, 39, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40)
int <- 1:length(x)

# From partial germination counts
t50(germ.counts = x, intervals = int, method = "coolbear")
t50(germ.counts = x, intervals = int, method = "farooq")

# From cumulative germination counts
t50(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE, method = "coolbear")
t50(germ.counts = y, intervals = int, partial = FALSE, method = "farooq")

# }

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