gt (version 0.1.0)

tab_style: Add custom styles to one or more cells


With the tab_style() function we can target specific cells and apply styles to them. This is best done in conjunction with the helper functions cell_text(), cell_fill(), and cell_borders(). At present this function is focused on the application of styles for HTML output only (as such, other output formats will ignore all tab_style() calls). Using the aforementioned helper functions, here are some of the styles we can apply:

  • the background color of the cell (cell_fill(): color)

  • the cell's text color, font, and size (cell_text(): color, font, size)

  • the text style (cell_text(): style), enabling the use of italics or oblique text.

  • the text weight (cell_text(): weight), allowing the use of thin to bold text (the degree of choice is greater with variable fonts)

  • the alignment and indentation of text (cell_text(): align and indent)

  • the cell borders (cell_borders())


tab_style(data, style, locations)



A table object that is created using the gt() function.


a vector of styles to use. The cell_text(), cell_fill(), and cell_borders() helper functions can be used here to more easily generate valid styles. If using more than one helper function to define styles, all calls must be enclosed in a list().


the cell or set of cells to be associated with the style. Supplying any of the cells_*() helper functions is a useful way to target the location cells that are associated with the styling. These helper functions are: cells_title(), cells_stubhead(), cells_column_spanners(), cells_column_labels(), cells_row_groups(), cells_stub(), cells_body(), cells_summary(), and cells_grand_summary(). Additionally, we can enclose several cells_*() calls within a list() if we wish to apply styling to different types of locations (e.g., body cells, row group labels, the table title, etc.).


An object of class gt_tbl.


Function ID


See Also

cell_text(), cell_fill(), and cell_borders() as helpers for defining custom styles and cells_body() as one of many useful helper functions for targeting the locations to be styled.

Other Create or Modify Parts: tab_footnote(), tab_header(), tab_options(), tab_row_group(), tab_source_note(), tab_spanner_delim(), tab_spanner(), tab_stubhead()


Run this code
# Use `exibble` to create a gt table;
# add styles that are to be applied
# to data cells that satisfy a
# condition (using `tab_style()`)
tab_1 <-
  exibble %>%
  dplyr::select(num, currency) %>%
  gt() %>%
    columns = vars(num, currency),
    decimals = 1
  ) %>%
    style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "lightcyan"),
      cell_text(weight = "bold")
    locations = cells_body(
      columns = vars(num),
      rows = num >= 5000)
  ) %>%
    style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "#F9E3D6"),
      cell_text(style = "italic")
    locations = cells_body(
      columns = vars(currency),
      rows = currency < 100)

# Use `sp500` to create a gt table;
# color entire rows of cells based
# on values in a particular column
tab_2 <-
  sp500 %>%
    date >= "2015-12-01" &
    date <= "2015-12-15"
  ) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(adj_close, volume)) %>%
  gt() %>%
    style = cell_fill(color = "lightgreen"),
    locations = cells_body(
      rows = close > open)
  ) %>%
    style = list(
      cell_fill(color = "red"),
      cell_text(color = "white")
    locations = cells_body(
      rows = open > close)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab