devtools (version 1.5)

test: Execute all test_that tests in a package.


Tests are assumed to be located in a inst/tests/ directory. See test_dir for the naming convention of test scripts within that directory.


test(pkg = ".", filter = NULL, fresh = FALSE)


package description, can be path or package name. See as.package for more information
If not NULL, only tests with file names matching this regular expression will be executed. Matching will take on the file name after it has been stripped of "test-" and ".r".
if TRUE, will be run in a fresh R session. This has the advantage that there's no way the examples can depend on anything in the current session, but interactive code (like browser) won't work.


If no testing infrastructure is present, you'll be asked if you want devtools to create it for you (in interactive sessions only). See add_test_infrastructure for more details.