CHNOSZ (version 1.3.6)

thermo: Thermodynamic Database and System Settings


Run reset() to reset all of the data used in CHNOSZ to default values. This includes the computational settings, thermodynamic database, and system settings (chemical species).

The system settings are changed using basis and species. To clear the system settings (the default, i.e. no species loaded), run basis(""); to clear only the formed species, run species(delete = TRUE)

The thermodynamic database is changed using add.obigt and mod.obigt. To restore the default database without altering the species settings, run obigt().

The computational settings are changed using water, P.units, T.units, E.units, and some other commands (e.g. mod.buffer).

All the data are stored in the thermo data object in an environment named CHNOSZ. thermo() is a convenience function to access or modify parts of this object, in particular some computational settings, for example, thermo("opt$ideal.H" = FALSE) (see nonideal).

The main data files provided with CHNOSZ, as *.csv files in the extdata/thermo and extdata/OBIGT directories of the package, are used to build the thermo object, which is described below.





list, one or more arguments whose names correspond to the component() to modify


  • thermo()$opt List of computational settings. Square brackets indicate default values. Note that the units of G.tol and Cp.tol depend on the E_units for each species in thermo()$obigt. Therefore, species with E_units of J have a lower absolute tolerance for producing messages (because Joules are smaller than calories).

    cutoff numeric Cutoff below which values are taken to be zero [1e-10] (see makeup)
    E.units character The user's units of energy ([cal] or J) (see subcrt)
    T.units character The user's units of temperature ([C] or K)
    P.units character The user's units of pressure ([bar] or MPa)
    state character The default physical state for searching species [aq] (see info)
    water character Computational option for properties of water ([SUPCRT] or IAPWS; see water)
    G.tol numeric Difference in G above which checkGHS produces a message (cal mol) [100]
    Cp.tol numeric Difference in Cp above which checkEOS produces a message (cal K mol) [1]
    V.tol numeric Difference in V above which checkEOS produces a message (cm mol) [1]
    varP logical Use variable-pressure standard state for gases? [FALSE] (see subcrt)
    IAPWS.sat character State of water for saturation properties [liquid] (see util.water)
    paramin integer Minimum number of calculations to launch parallel processes [1000] (see palply)
    ideal.H logical Should nonideal ignore the proton? [TRUE]
    ideal.e logical Should nonideal ignore the electron? [TRUE]
    nonideal character Option for charged species in nonideal [Bdot]
    Setchenow character Option for neutral species in nonideal [bgamma0]
    Berman character User data file for mineral parameters in the Berman equations [NA]
  • thermo()$element Dataframe containing the thermodynamic properties of elements taken from Cox et al., 1989 and Wagman et al., 1982. The standard molal entropy (\(S\)(Z)) at 25 C and 1 bar for the “element” of charge (Z) was calculated from \(S\)(H2,g) + 2\(S\)(Z) = 2\(S\)(H+), where the standard molal entropies of H2,g and H+ were taken from Cox et al., 1989. The mass of Z is taken to be zero. Accessing this data frame using mass or entropy will select the first entry found for a given element; i.e., values from Wagman et al., 1982 will only be retrieved if the properties of the element are not found from Cox et al., 1989.

    element character Symbol of element
    state character Stable state of element at 25 C and 1 bar
    source character Source of data
    mass numeric Mass of element (in natural isotopic distribution;
    referenced to a mass of 12 for \(^{12}\)C)
    s numeric Entropy of the compound of the element in its stable
    state at 25 C and 1 bar (cal K\(^{-1}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    n numeric Number of atoms of the element in its stable
  • thermo()$obigt

    This dataframe is a thermodynamic database of standard molal thermodynamic properties and equations of state parameters of species. Note the following database conventions:

    • The combination of name and state defines a species in thermo()$obigt. A species can not be duplicated (this is checked when running reset()).

    • English names of inorganic gases are used only for the gas state. The dissolved species is named with the chemical formula. Therefore, info("oxygen") refers to the gas, and info("O2") refers to the aqueous species.

    • Properties of most aqueous species (state = aq) are calculated using the revised Helgeson-Kirkham-Flowers (HKF) model (see hkf).

    • Properties of aqueous species with an NA value of Z (the final column of thermo()$obigt) are calculated using the Akinfiev-Diamond model (see AkDi).

    • Properties of most non-aqueous species (liquids, gases, and minerals) are calculated using a heat capacity polynomial expression with up to six terms (see cgl).

    • Properties of minerals with NA values of all heat capacity parameters are calculated using the Berman model (see berman).

    OrganoBioGeoTherm is the name of a GUI program to use SUPCRT in Windows, produced in Harold C. Helgeson's Laboratory of Theoretical Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. The OBIGT database was originally developed for that program, and was the original basis for the database in CHNOSZ. There may be an additional meaning for the acronym: “One BIG Table” of thermodynamic data.

    Each entry is referenced to one or two literature sources listed in thermo()$refs. Use thermo.refs to look up the citation information for the references. See the vignette Thermodynamic data in CHNOSZ for a complete description of the sources of data. The original OBIGT database was influenced by the SUPCRT92 (Johnson et al., 1992) and slop98.dat data files (Shock et al., 1998), and the references in those files are included here.

    In order to represent thermodynamic data for minerals with phase transitions, the higher-temperature phases of these minerals are represented as phase species that have states denoted by cr2, cr3, etc. The standard molar thermodynamic properties at 25 C and 1 bar (\(T_r\) and \(P_r\)) of the cr2 phase species of minerals were generated by first calculating those of the cr (lowest-T) phase species at the transition temperature (\(T_{tr}\)) and 1 bar then taking account of the volume and entropy of transition (the latter can be retrieved by combining the former with the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and values of \((dP/dT)\) of transitions taken from the SUPCRT92 data file) to calculate the standard molar entropy of the cr2 phase species at \(T_{tr}\), and taking account of the enthalpy of transition (\({\Delta}H^{\circ}\), taken from the SUPCRT92 data file) to calculate the standard molar enthalpy of the cr2 phase species at \(T_{tr}\). The standard molar properties of the cr2 phase species at \(T_{tr}\) and 1 bar calculated in this manner were combined with the equations-of-state parameters of the species to generate values of the standard molar properties at 25 C and 1 bar. This process was repeated as necessary to generate the standard molar properties of phase species represented by cr3 and cr4, referencing at each iteration the previously calculated values of the standard molar properties of the lower-temperature phase species (i.e., cr2 and cr3). A consequence of tabulating the standard molar thermodynamic properties of the phase species is that the values of \((dP/dT)\) and \({\Delta}H^{\circ}\) of phase transitions can be calculated using the equations of state and therefore do not need to be stored in the thermodynamic database. However, the transition temperatures (\(T_{tr}\)) generally can not be assessed by comparing the Gibbs energies of phase species and are tabulated in the database.

    The identification of species and their standard molal thermodynamic properties at 25 C and 1 bar are located in the first 13 columns of thermo()$obigt:

    name character Species name
    abbrv character Species abbreviation
    formula character Species formula
    state character Physical state
    ref1 character Primary source
    ref2 character Secondary source
    date character Date of data entry (formatted as in SUPCRT92)
    E_units character Units of energy: cal or J
    G numeric Standard molal Gibbs energy of formation
    from the elements (cal mol\(^{-1}\))
    H numeric Standard molal enthalpy of formation
    from the elements (cal mol\(^{-1}\))
    S numeric Standard molal entropy (cal mol\(^{-1}\) K\(^{-1}\))
    Cp numeric Standard molal isobaric heat capacity (cal mol\(^{-1}\) K\(^{-1}\))

    The meanings of the remaining columns depend on the model used for a particular species (see database conventions above). The names of these columns are compounded from those of the parameters in the HKF equations of state and general heat capacity polynomial; for example, column 13 is named a1.a. Scaling of the values by orders of magnitude is adopted for some of the parameters, following common usage in the literature.

    Columns 14-21 for aqueous species (parameters in the revised HKF equations of state):

    a1 numeric \(a_1\times10\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\) bar\(^{-1}\))
    a2 numeric \(a_2\times10^{-2}\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\))
    a3 numeric \(a_3\) (cal K mol\(^{-1}\) bar\(^{-1}\))
    a4 numeric \(a_4\times10^{-4}\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\) K)
    c1 numeric \(c_1\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\) K\(^{-1}\))
    c2 numeric \(c_2\times10^{-4}\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\) K)
    omega numeric \(\omega\times10^{-5}\) (cal mol\(^{-1}\))

    Columns 14-21 for crystalline, gas and liquid species (\(Cp=a+bT+cT^{-2}+dT^{-0.5}+eT^2+fT^{\lambda}\)).

    a numeric \(a\) (cal K\(^{-1}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    b numeric \(b\times10^3\) (cal K\(^{-2}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    c numeric \(c\times10^{-5}\) (cal K mol\(^{-1}\))
    d numeric \(d\) (cal K\(^{-0.5}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    e numeric \(e\times10^5\) (cal K\(^{-3}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    f numeric \(f\) (cal K\(^{-\lambda-1}\) mol\(^{-1}\))
    lambda numeric \(\lambda\) (exponent on the \(f\) term)
    T numeric Temperature of phase transition or upper

    Columns 14-21 for aqueous species using the Akinfiev-Diamond model. Note that the c column is used to store the \(\xi\) parameter, and that Z must be NA to activate the code for this model. The remaining columns are not used.

    a numeric \(a\) (cm g)
    b numeric \(b\) (cm K g)
    c numeric \(\xi\)
    d numeric \(XX1\) NA
    e numeric \(XX2\) NA
    f numeric \(XX3\) NA
    lambda numeric \(XX4\) NA
    Z numeric \(Z\) NA
  • thermo()$refs Dataframe of references to sources of thermodynamic data.

    key character Source key
    author character Author(s)
    year character Year
    citation character Citation (journal title, volume, and article number or pages; or book or report title)
    note character Short description of the compounds or species in this data source
    URL character URL
  • thermo()$buffers

    Dataframe which contains definitions of buffers of chemical activity. Each named buffer can be composed of one or more species, which may include any species in the thermodynamic database and/or any protein. The calculations provided by buffer do not take into account phase transitions of minerals, so individual phase species of such minerals must be specified in the buffers.

    name character Name of buffer
    species character Name of species
    state character Physical state of species
  • thermo()$protein Data frame of amino acid compositions of selected proteins. Most of the compositions were taken from the SWISS-PROT/UniProt online database (Boeckmann et al., 2003) and the protein and organism names usually follow the conventions adopted there. In some cases different isoforms of proteins are identified using modifications of the protein names; for example, MOD5.M and MOD5.N proteins of YEAST denote the mitochondrial and nuclear isoforms of this protein. See pinfo to search this data frame by protein name, and other functions to work with the amino acid compositions.

    protein character Identification of protein
    organism character Identification of organism
    ref character Reference key for source of compositional data
    abbrv character Abbreviation or other ID for protein
    chains numeric Number of polypeptide chains in the protein
  • thermo()$groups This is a dataframe with 22 columns for the amino acid sidechain, backbone and protein backbone groups ([Ala]..[Tyr],[AABB],[UPBB]) whose rows correspond to the elements C, H, N, O, S. It is used to quickly calculate the chemical formulas of proteins that are selected using the iprotein argument in affinity.

  • thermo()$basis Initially NULL, reserved for a dataframe written by basis upon definition of the basis species. The number of rows of this dataframe is equal to the number of columns in “...” (one for each element).

    ... numeric One or more columns of stoichiometric
    coefficients of elements in the basis species
    ispecies numeric Rownumber of basis species in thermo()$obigt
    logact numeric Logarithm of activity or fugacity of basis species
    state character Physical state of basis species
  • thermo()$species Initially NULL, reserved for a dataframe generated by species to define the species of interest. The number of columns in “...” is equal to the number of basis species (i.e., rows of thermo()$basis).

    ... numeric One or more columns of stoichiometric
    coefficients of basis species in the species of interest
    ispecies numeric Rownumber of species in thermo()$obigt
    logact numeric Logarithm of activity or fugacity of species
    state character Physical state of species
    name character Name of species
  • thermo()$stoich A precalculated stoichiometric matrix for the default database. This is a matrix, not a data frame, and as such can accept duplicated row names, corresponding to chemical formulas of the species. See retrieve, and the first test in testthat/test-retrieve.R for how to update this.

    rownames character Chemical formulas from thermo()$obigt


Cox, J. D., Wagman, D. D. and Medvedev, V. A., eds. (1989) CODATA Key Values for Thermodynamics. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, New York, 271 p.

Johnson, J. W., Oelkers, E. H. and Helgeson, H. C. (1992) SUPCRT92: A software package for calculating the standard molal thermodynamic properties of minerals, gases, aqueous species, and reactions from 1 to 5000 bar and 0 to 1000C. Comp. Geosci. 18, 899--947.

Shock, E. L. et al. 1998 SLOP98.dat (computer data file)., accessed on 2005-11-05; moved to

Wagman, D. D., Evans, W. H., Parker, V. B., Schumm, R. H., Halow, I., Bailey, S. M., Churney, K. L. and Nuttall, R. L. (1982) The NBS tables of chemical thermodynamic properties. Selected values for inorganic and C\(_1\) and C\(_2\) organic substances in SI units. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 11 (supp. 2), 1--392.

See Also

Other data files, including those supporting the examples and vignettes, are documented separately at extdata.


Run this code
## where are the data files in CHNOSZ?
system.file("extdata", package="CHNOSZ")
# what files make up OBIGT?
# nb. the .csv.xz files are loaded by default,
# and the .csv files have optional data that can be loaded with add.obigt()
dir(system.file("extdata/OBIGT", package = "CHNOSZ"))

## exploring thermo()$obigt
# what physical states there are
# formulas of ten random species
n <- nrow(thermo()$obigt)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab