track (version 1.1.9)

track.setup: Setup and stop tracking


Functions to setup and stop tracking, and resync to a changed disk db


track.start(dir="rdatadir", pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), create = TRUE, clobber = c("no", "files", "variables", "vars", "var"), discardMissing = FALSE, cache = NULL, cachePolicy = NULL, options = NULL, RDataSuffix = NULL, auto = NULL, readonly = FALSE, lockEnv = FALSE, check.Last = TRUE, autoCheckSize = 1e6, verbose = TRUE) track.stop(pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), all = FALSE, stop.on.error = FALSE, keepVars = FALSE, sessionEnd = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, detach = TRUE, callFrom = NULL) track.rescan(pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), discardMissing = FALSE, forgetModified = FALSE, level = c("low", "high"), dryRun = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) track.Last()


The directory where tracking data is stored
The search path position of the environment being tracked (default is 1 for the global environment)
The environment being tracked. This is an alternate way (to the use of pos=) of specifying the environment being tracked, but should be rarely needed.
If TRUE, create the tracking directory if it doesn't exist
Controls action taken when there are objects of the same name in the tracking directory and in envir: no means stop (unless objects are have the same values and are small); files means use the version from the tracking directory; and variables, vars or var means use the version in envir (and overwrite the version in the tracking directory). See also argument autoCheckSize.
Discard all information about objects whose save file is missing?
Should objects be keep cached in memory? Default is TRUE. This option is a shorthand way of supplying options=list(cache=...).
Policy for keeping cached objects in memory. Default is tltPurge, for which cached objects are removed from memory at the end of a top-level task. This option is a shorthand way of supplying options=list(cachePolicy=...).
Option values (as a list) to be used for this tracking database. See track.options().
If TRUE, all tracked environment are unlinked
If TRUE, automatically track new variables and deleted variables in the environment (through use of a task callback). If auto==NULL, take the value from getOptions("global.track.options")$autoTrack, and if that is NULL, use TRUE
Logical flag indicating whether the tracking db should be attached in a readonly mode. The global environment (pos=1 in the search path) cannot be tracked in a readonly mode.
If FALSE, failures to unlink a tracking environment are ignored, though a warning message is printed
If FALSE, all tracked variables are removed and will be no longer accessible. If TRUE, tracked variables will be left as ordinary variables in the environment, as well as remaining in files.
If TRUE, the environment attached to the search path (in a position other than 2) will be detached after stopping tracking, IF it was created by track.attach() and if there are no variables left remaining in the environment after removing all tracked variables. If detach="force", the attached environment will be removed even if there are variables remaining in it (though not if it was not created by track.attach).
A character string used in a message saying where track.stop() was called from.
If TRUE, discard the versions of objects that are modified and in memory
The suffix to use for RData files. This should not normally need to be specified.
Should the environment be locked for a readonly tracking environment? The default is FALSE because locking the environment is irreversible, and it prevents rescanning or caching (because can't delete or add bindings)
By default, a warning is issued if the .Last function in the track package is masked by any other .Last function. Supplying check.Last=FALSE inhibits this check and warning.
If there are objects with the same name in an existing tracking db being attached, and the environment, and clobber='no', track.start() will check whether the objects are the same (using identical()). If they are the same, track.start() will proceed. This check is only performed if the total size of the objects, and the files, is less than autoCheckSize bytes.
Should the rescan be done at a high or low level: a high level just stops tracking and restarts it; a low level tries to individually bring the environment in line with the file database.
If TRUE, no changes are actualy made, but messages are printed describing what changes would be made.
If TRUE, this is a call at the end of a session and no recovery from errors is possible -- just try to as best as can to save objects as appropriate.
print a message about what directory is being tracked?


Simple Usage

These functions have many arguments providing much control over tracking, but the arguments used in simple usage are:
track.start(dir = "rdatadir")
track.stop(pos = 1, all = FALSE)
track.rescan(pos = 2)


See Also

Overview and design of the track package.


Run this code
# Warning: running this example will cause variables currently
# in the R global environment to be written to .RData files
# in a tracking database on the filesystem under R's temporary
# directory, and will cause the variables to be removed temporarily
# from the R global environment.
# It is recommended to run this example with a fresh R session
# with no important variables in the global environment.

track.start(dir=file.path(tempdir(), 'rdatadir9'))
x <- 33
X <- array(1:24, dim=2:4)
Y <- list(a=1:3,b=2)
X[2] <- -1
track.filename(list=c("x", "X"))
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
track.start(dir=file.path(tempdir(), 'rdatadir9'))
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
# Would normally not call track.stop(), but do so here to clean up after
# running this example.
track.stop(pos=1, keepVars=TRUE)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab