uwot (version 0.1.2)

umap_transform: Add New Points to an Existing Embedding


Carry out an embedding of new data using an existing embedding. Requires using the result of calling umap or tumap with ret_model = TRUE.


umap_transform(X, model, init_weighted = TRUE, search_k = NULL,
  tmpdir = tempdir(), n_epochs = NULL, n_threads = max(1,
  RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads()/2), n_sgd_threads = 0,
  grain_size = 1, verbose = FALSE)



The new data to be transformed, either a matrix of data frame. Must have the same columns in the same order as the input data used to generate the model.


Data associated with an existing embedding.


If TRUE, then initialize the embedded coordinates of X using a weighted average of the coordinates of the nearest neighbors from the original embedding in model, where the weights used are the edge weights from the UMAP smoothed knn distances. Otherwise, use an unweighted average.


Number of nodes to search during the neighbor retrieval. The larger k, the more the accurate results, but the longer the search takes. Default is the value used in building the model is used.


Temporary directory to store nearest neighbor indexes during nearest neighbor search. Default is tempdir. The index is only written to disk if n_threads > 1; otherwise, this parameter is ignored.


Number of epochs to use during the optimization of the embedded coordinates. A value between 30 - 100 is a reasonable trade off between speed and thoroughness. By default, this value is set to one third the number of epochs used to build the model.


Number of threads to use, (except during stochastic gradient descent). Default is half that recommended by RcppParallel.


Number of threads to use during stochastic gradient descent. If set to > 1, then results will not be reproducible, even if `set.seed` is called with a fixed seed before running.


Minimum batch size for multithreading. If the number of items to process in a thread falls below this number, then no threads will be used. Used in conjunction with n_threads and n_sgd_threads.


If TRUE, log details to the console.


A matrix of coordinates for X transformed into the space of the model.


Note that some settings are incompatible with the production of a UMAP model via umap: external neighbor data (passed via a list to the argument of the nn_method parameter), and factor columns that were included in the UMAP calculation via the metric parameter. In the latter case, the model produced is based only on the numeric data. A transformation is possible, but factor columns in the new data are ignored.


Run this code
iris_train <- iris[1:100, ]
iris_test <- iris[101:150, ]

# You must set ret_model = TRUE to return extra data needed
iris_train_umap <- umap(iris_train, ret_model = TRUE)
iris_test_umap <- umap_transform(iris_test, iris_train_umap)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab