tic (version

use_tic: Initialize CI testing using tic


Prepares a repo for building and deploying supported by tic.


use_tic(quiet = FALSE)



[flag] Less verbose output? Default: FALSE.


This function requires the travis and usethis packages.

The project path is retrieved with usethis::proj_get().

The preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. If necessary, create a GitHub repository via usethis::use_github()

  2. Enable Travis via travis::travis_enable()

  3. Create a default .travis.yml file (overwrite after confirmation in interactive mode only)

  4. Create a default appveyor.yml file (depending on repo type, overwrite after confirmation in interactive mode only)

  5. Create a default tic.R file depending on the repo type (package, website, bookdown, ...)

  6. Enable deployment (if necessary, depending on repo type) via travis::use_travis_deploy()

  7. Create a GitHub PAT and install it on Travis CI via travis::travis_set_pat()

This function is aimed at supporting the most common use cases. Users who require more control are advised to review the source code of use_tic() and manually call the individual functions, some of which aren't exported.