rms (version 3.1-0)

validate.cph: Validation of a Fitted Cox or Parametric Survival Model's Indexes of Fit


This is the version of the validate function specific to models fitted with cph or psm.


# fit <- cph(formula=Surv(ftime,event) ~ terms, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cph':
validate(fit, method="boot", B=40, bw=FALSE, rule="aic", type="residual",
        sls=.05, aics=0, pr=FALSE, dxy=FALSE, u, tol=1e-9, \dots)

## S3 method for class 'psm': validate(fit, method="boot",B=40, bw=FALSE, rule="aic", type="residual", sls=.05, aics=0, pr=FALSE, dxy=FALSE, tol=1e-12, rel.tolerance=1e-5, maxiter=15, \dots)


a fit derived cph. The options x=TRUE and y=TRUE must have been specified. If the model contains any stratification factors and dxy=TRUE, the options surv=TRUE and time.inc=u mus
number of repetitions. For method="crossvalidation", is the number of groups of omitted observations.
TRUE to do fast step-down using the fastbw function, for both the overall model and for each repetition. fastbw keeps parameters together that represent the same factor.
Applies if bw=TRUE. "aic" to use Akaike's information criterion as a stopping rule (i.e., a factor is deleted if the $\chi^2$ falls below twice its degrees of freedom), or "p" to use $P$-values.
"residual" or "individual" - stopping rule is for individual factors or for the residual $\chi^2$ for all variables deleted
significance level for a factor to be kept in a model, or for judging the residual $\chi^2$.
cutoff on AIC when rule="aic".
TRUE to print results of each repetition
set to TRUE to validate Somers' $D_{xy}$ using rcorr.cens, which takes longer.
must be specified if the model has any stratification factors and dxy=TRUE. In that case, strata are not included in $X\beta$ and the survival curves may cross. Predictions at time t=u are correlated with observed su


  • matrix with rows corresponding to $D_{xy}$, Slope, $D$, $U$, and $Q$, and columns for the original index, resample estimates, indexes applied to whole or omitted sample using model derived from resample, average optimism, corrected index, and number of successful resamples. The values corresponting to the row $D_{xy}$ are equal to $2 * (C - 0.5)$ where C is the C-index or concordance probability. If the user is correlating the linear predictor (predicted log hazard) with survival time and she wishes to get the more usual correlation using predicted survival time or predicted survival probability, $D_{xy}$ should be negated.

Side Effects

prints a summary, and optionally statistics for each re-fit (if pr=TRUE)


  • model validation
  • predictive accuracy
  • bootstrap


Statistics validated include the Nagelkerke $R^2$, $D_{xy}$, slope shrinkage, the discrimination index $D$ [(model L.R. $\chi^2$ - 1)/L], the unreliability index $U$ = (difference in -2 log likelihood between uncalibrated $X\beta$ and $X\beta$ with overall slope calibrated to test sample) / L, and the overall quality index $Q = D - U$. $g$ is the $g$-index on the log relative hazard (linear predictor) scale. L is -2 log likelihood with beta=0. The "corrected" slope can be thought of as shrinkage factor that takes into account overfitting. See predab.resample for the list of resampling methods.

See Also

validate, predab.resample, fastbw, rms, rms.trans, calibrate, rcorr.cens, cph, survival-internal, gIndex


Run this code
n <- 1000
age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n)
label(age) <- "Age"
sex <- factor(sample(c('Male','Female'), n, TRUE))
cens <- 15*runif(n)
h <- .02*exp(.04*(age-50)+.8*(sex=='Female'))
dt <- -log(runif(n))/h
e <- ifelse(dt <= cens,1,0)
dt <- pmin(dt, cens)
units(dt) <- "Year"
S <- Surv(dt,e)

f <- cph(S ~ age*sex, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
# Validate full model fit
validate(f, B=10)               # normally B=150

# Validate a model with stratification.  Dxy is the only
# discrimination measure for such models, by Dxy requires
# one to choose a single time at which to predict S(t|X)
f <- cph(S ~ rcs(age)*strat(sex), 
         x=TRUE, y=TRUE, surv=TRUE, time.inc=2)
validate(f, dxy=TRUE, u=2, B=10)   # normally B=150
# Note u=time.inc

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab