gstat (version 1.0-2)

variogram: Calculate Sample or Residual Variogram or Variogram Cloud


Calculates the sample variogram from data, or in case of a linear model is given, for the residuals, with options for directional, robust, and pooled variogram, and for irregular distance intervals.

In case spatio-temporal data is provided, the function variogramST is called with a different set of parameters.


## S3 method for class 'gstat':
variogram(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula':
variogram(object, locations = coordinates(data), data, ...)
## S3 method for class 'default':
variogram(object, locations, X, cutoff, width = cutoff/15,
	alpha = 0, beta = 0, tol.hor = 90/length(alpha), tol.ver =
	90/length(beta), cressie = FALSE, dX = numeric(0), boundaries =
	numeric(0), cloud = FALSE, trend.beta = NULL, debug.level = 1,
	cross = TRUE, grid, map = FALSE, g = NULL, ..., projected = TRUE, 
	lambda = 1.0, verbose = FALSE, covariogram = FALSE, PR = FALSE, 
	pseudo = -1)
## S3 method for class 'gstatVariogram':
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'variogramCloud':
print(x, ...)


object of class gstat; in this form, direct and cross (residual) variograms are calculated for all variables and variable pairs defined in object; in case of variogram.formula, formula defining the response vector an
data frame where the names in formula are to be found
spatial data locations. For variogram.formula: a formula with only the coordinate variables in the right hand (explanatory variable) side e.g. ~x+y; see examples.

For variogram.default: list with coordinate matrices, each with the number of

any other arguments that will be passed to variogram.default (ignored)
(optional) list with for each variable the matrix with regressors/covariates; the number of rows should match that of the correspoding element in y, the number of columns equals the number of regressors (including intercept)
spatial separation distance up to which point pairs are included in semivariance estimates; as a default, the length of the diagonal of the box spanning the data is divided by three.
the width of subsequent distance intervals into which data point pairs are grouped for semivariance estimates
direction in plane (x,y), in positive degrees clockwise from positive y (North): alpha=0 for direction North (increasing y), alpha=90 for direction East (increasing x); optional a vector of directions in (x,y)
direction in z, in positive degrees up from the (x,y) plane;
horizontal tolerance angle in degrees
vertical tolerance angle in degrees
logical; if TRUE, use Cressie''s robust variogram estimate; if FALSE use the classical method of moments variogram estimate
include a pair of data points $y(s_1),y(s_2)$ taken at locations $s_1$ and $s_2$ for sample variogram calculation only when $||x(s_1)-x(s_2)|| < dX$ with and $x(s_i)$ the vector with regressors at location $s_i$, and $||.||$ the 2-norm. This allows poole
numerical vector with distance interval upper boundaries; values should be strictly increasing
logical; if TRUE, calculate the semivariogram cloud
vector with trend coefficients, in case they are known. By default, trend coefficients are estimated from the data.
integer; set gstat internal debug level
logical or character; if FALSE, no cross variograms are computed when object is of class gstat and has more than one variable; if TRUE, all direct and cross variograms are computed; if equal to "ST", direct and cross variograms are computed f
formula, specifying the dependent variable and possible covariates
object of class variogram or variogramCloud to be printed
grid parameters, if data are gridded (not to be called directly; this is filled automatically)
logical; if TRUE, and cutoff and width are given, a variogram map is returned. This requires package sp. Alternatively, a map can be passed, of class SpatialDataFrameGrid (see sp docs)
NULL or object of class gstat; may be used to pass settable parameters and/or variograms; see example
logical; if FALSE, data are assumed to be unprojected, meaning decimal longitude/latitude. For projected data, Euclidian distances are computed, for unprojected great circle distances (km). In variogram.formula or variogram.gstat
test feature; not working (yet)
logical; print some progress indication
integer; use pseudo cross variogram for computing time-lagged spatial variograms? -1: find out from coordinates -- if they are equal then yes, else no; 0: no; 1: yes.
logical; compute covariogram instead of variogram?
logical; compute pairwise relative variogram (does NOT check whether variable is strictly positive)


  • If map is TRUE (or a map is passed), a grid map is returned containing the (cross) variogram map(s). See package sp.

    In other cases, an object of class "gstatVariogram" with the following fields:

  • npthe number of point pairs for this estimate; in case of a variogramCloud see below
  • distthe average distance of all point pairs considered for this estimate
  • gammathe actual sample variogram estimate
  • dir.horthe horizontal direction
  • dir.verthe vertical direction
  • idthe combined id pair
  • If cloud is TRUE: an object of class variogramCloud, with the field np encoding the numbers of the point pair that contributed to a variogram cloud estimate, as follows. The first point is found by 1 + the integer division of np by the .BigInt attribute of the returned object, the second point by 1 + the remainder of that division. returns no np field, but does the decoding into:
  • leftfor variogramCloud: data id (row number) of one of the data pair
  • rightfor variogramCloud: data id (row number) of the other data in the pair
  • In case of a spatio-temporal variogram is sought see variogramST for details.


Cressie, N.A.C., 1993, Statistics for Spatial Data, Wiley.

Cressie, N., C. Wikle, 2011, Statistics for Spatio-temporal Data, Wiley.

Pebesma, E.J., 2004. Multivariable geostatistics in S: the gstat package. Computers & Geosciences, 30: 683-691.

See Also

print.gstatVariogram, plot.gstatVariogram, plot.variogramCloud; for variogram models: vgm, to fit a variogram model to a sample variogram: fit.variogram variogramST for details on the spatio-temporal sample variogram.


Run this code
# no trend:
coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
variogram(log(zinc)~1, meuse)
# residual variogram w.r.t. a linear trend:
variogram(log(zinc)~x+y, meuse)
# directional variogram:
variogram(log(zinc)~x+y, meuse, alpha=c(0,45,90,135))
variogram(log(zinc)~1, meuse, width=90, cutoff=1300)

# GLS residual variogram:
v = variogram(log(zinc)~x+y, meuse) = fit.variogram(v, vgm(1, "Sph", 700, 1))
set = list(gls=1)
g = gstat(NULL, "log-zinc", log(zinc)~x+y, meuse,, set = set)

if (require(rgdal)) {
  proj4string(meuse) = CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
  meuse.ll = spTransform(meuse, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84"))
# variogram of unprojected data, using great-circle distances, returning km as units
  variogram(log(zinc) ~ 1, meuse.ll)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab