tcR (version 1.3)

vis.heatmap: Heatmap.


Plot a heatmap from a matrix or a data.frame


vis.heatmap(.data, .title = "Number of shared clonotypes",
  .labs = "Subject", .legend = "Shared clonotypes", .na.value = NA,
  .text = T)


Either a matrix with colnames and rownames specifyed or a data.frame with the first column of strings for row names and other columns stands for values.
Main title of the plot.
Labs names. Character vector of length 1 (for naming both axis with same name) or 2 (first elements stands for x-axis).
Title for the legend.
Replace NAs with this values.
If T than print .data values at tiles.


  • ggplot object.


Run this code
# Load your data.
# Perform intersection by amino acid sequences with V-segments.
imm.av <- intersect(immdata, 'ave')
# Plot a heatmap.
vis.heatmap(imm.av, .title = 'Immdata - (ave)-intersection')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab