unitizer (version 1.4.8)

text_wrap: Text Wrapping Utilities


Functions to break up character vector components to a specified width.


text_wrap(x, width)

word_wrap(x, width = getOption("width"), tolerance = 8L, hyphens = TRUE, unlist = TRUE, collapse = NULL)

meta_word_cat(..., sep = "\n", width = getOption("width"), tolerance = 8L, file = stdout(), trail.nl = TRUE)

meta_word_msg(..., sep = "\n", width = getOption("width"), tolerance = 8L, trail.nl = TRUE)

word_cat(..., sep = " ", width = getOption("width"), tolerance = 8L, file = stdout())


word_comment(x, width = getOption("width"), tolerance = 8L, hyphens = TRUE, unlist = TRUE, color = crayon::has_color())



character vector


what width to wrap at


how much earlier than width we're allowed to wrap


whether to allow hyphenation


logical(1L) if FALSE each element in x is returned as an element of a list, otherwise one character vector is returned


a list with, for each item in x, a character vector of the item wrapped to length width

if unlist is a parameter, then a character vector, or if not or if unlist is FALSE, a list with each element from x corresponding to an element from the list


  • text_wrap breaks each element to a specified width, where width can contain different values for each value in x

  • word_wrap wraps at whitespace, or crudely hyphenates if necessary; note that unlike text_wrap width must be scalar

  • word_cat is like word_wrap, except it outputs to screen

  • word_msg is like word_cat, except it ouputs to stderr

  • meta_word_cat is like word_cat, except it wraps output in formatting to highlight this is not normal output

Newlines are replaced by empty strings in the output so that each character vector in the output represents a line of screen output.