magclass (version 5.24.7)

write.magpie: Write MAgPIE-object to file


Writes a MAgPIE-3D-array (cells,years,datacolumn) to a file in one of three MAgPIE formats (standard, "magpie", "magpie zipped")


  file_folder = "",
  file_type = NULL,
  append = FALSE,
  comment = NULL,
  comment.char = "*",
  metadata.char = "~",
  mode = NULL,
  nc_compression = 9,
  verbose = TRUE,





file name including file ending (wildcards are supported). Optionally also the full path can be specified here (instead of splitting it to file\_name and file\_folder)


folder the file should be written to (alternatively you can also specify the full path in file\_name - wildcards are supported)


Format the data should be stored as. Currently 13 formats are available: "rds" (default R-data format), "cs2" (cellular standard MAgPIE format), "cs2b" (cellular standard MAgPIE format with suppressed header ndata=1), "csv" (regional standard MAgPIE format), "cs3" (Format for multidimensional MAgPIE data, compatible to GAMS), "cs4" (alternative multidimensional format compatible to GAMS, in contrast to cs3 it can also handle sparse data), "csvr", "cs2r", "cs3r" and "cs4r" which are the same formats as the previous mentioned ones with the only difference that they have a REMIND compatible format, "m" (binary MAgPIE format "magpie"), "mz" (compressed binary MAgPIE format "magpie zipped"), "asc" (ASCII grid format / only available for 0.5deg data) and "nc" (netCDF format / only available for 0.5deg data). If file\_type=NULL the file ending of the file\_name is used as format. If format is different to the formats mentioned standard MAgPIE format is assumed. Please be aware that the file\_name is independent of the file\_type you choose here, so no additional file ending will be added!


Decides whether an existing file should be overwritten (FALSE) or the data should be added to it (TRUE). Append = TRUE only works if the existing data can be combined with the new data using the mbind function


Vector of strings: Optional comment giving additional information about the data. If different to NULL this will overwrite the content of attr(x,"comment")


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.


character: a character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string.


File permissions the file should be written with as 3-digit number (e.g. "777" means full access for user, group and all, "750" means full access for user, read access for group and no acess for anybody else). Set to NULL system defaults will be used. Access codes are identical to the codes used in unix function chmod.


Only used if file\_type="nc". Sets the compression level for netCDF files (default is 9). If set to an integer between 1 (least compression) and 9 (most compression), the netCDF file is written in netCDF version 4 format. If set to NA, the netCDF file is written in netCDF version 3 format.


Boolean deciding about whether function should be verbose or not


arguments to be passed to write.magpie.ncdf


This function can write 13 different MAgPIE file\_types. "cs2" is the new standard format for cellular data with or without header and the first columns (year,regiospatial) or only (regiospatial), "cs2b" is identical to "cs2" except that it will suppress the data name if it has only 1 element in the data dimension. "csv" is the standard format for regional data with or without header and the first columns (year,region,cellnumber) or only (region,cellnumber), "cs3" is another csv format which is specifically designed for multidimensional data for usage in GAMS. All these variants are written without further specification. "rds" is a R-default format for storing R objects. "magpie" (.m) and "magpie zipped" (.mz) are new formats developed to allow a less storage intensive management of MAgPIE-data. The only difference between both formats is that .mz is gzipped whereas .m is not compressed. So .mz needs less memory, whereas .m might have a higher compatibility to other languages. "asc" is the ASCII grid format. "nc" is the netCDF format. It can only be applied for half degree data and writes one file per year per data column. In the case that more than one year and data column is supplied several files are written with the structure filename_year_datacolumn.asc

See Also

"'>magpie", read.magpie,mbind,write.magpie.ncdf


Run this code
# a <- read.magpie("lpj_yield_ir.csv")
# write.magpie(a,"")

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab