runjags (version 1.2.1-0) Run a JAGS Model using an Apple Xgrid distributed computing cluster from Within R


Extends the functionality of the run.jags family of functions to use with Apple Xgrid distributed computing clusters. Jobs can either be run synchronously using xgrid.(auto)run.jags in which case the process will wait for the model to complete before returning the results, or asynchronously using xgrid.submit.jags in which case the process will terminate on submission of the job and results are retrieved at a later time using xgrid.results.jags. The latter function can also be used to check the progress of incomplete simulations without stopping or retrieving the full job. Access to an Xgrid cluster with JAGS (although not necessarily R) installed is required. Due to the dependance on Xgrid software to perform the underlying submission and retrieval of jobs, these functions can only be used on machines running Mac OS X. Further details of required environmental variables and the optional mgrid script to enable multi-task jobs can be found in the details section.

*Note* Apple has discontinued Xgrid from Mac OS 10.8 onwards, so future development and testing of these functions will be extremely limited

Usage, max.threads=Inf, JAGSversion=">=2.0.0", 
	email=NA, profiling=TRUE, cpuarch=NA, minosversion=NA, 
	queueforserver=FALSE, hostnode=NA, forcehost=FALSE,
	ramrequired=10, jobname=NA, cleanup=TRUE, 
	showprofiles=FALSE, jagspath='/usr/local/bin/jags', 
	mgridpath=system.file("xgrid","", package="runjags"),
	password=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD"), ...)

xgrid.autorun.jags(model, max.threads=Inf, JAGSversion=">=2.0.0", email=NA, profiling=TRUE, cpuarch=NA, minosversion=NA, queueforserver=FALSE, hostnode=NA, forcehost=FALSE, ramrequired=10, jobname=NA, cleanup=TRUE, showprofiles=FALSE, jagspath='/usr/local/bin/jags', mgridpath=system.file("xgrid","", package="runjags"), hostname=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME"), password=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD"), ...)

xgrid.extend.jags(runjags.object, max.threads=Inf, JAGSversion=">=2.0.0", email=NA, profiling=TRUE, cpuarch=NA, minosversion=NA, queueforserver=FALSE, hostnode=NA, forcehost=FALSE, ramrequired=10, jobname=NA, cleanup=TRUE, showprofiles=FALSE, jagspath='/usr/local/bin/jags', mgridpath=system.file("xgrid","", package="runjags"), hostname=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME"), password=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD"), ...)

xgrid.autoextend.jags(runjags.object, max.threads=Inf, JAGSversion=">=2.0.0", email=NA, profiling=TRUE, cpuarch=NA, minosversion=NA, queueforserver=FALSE, hostnode=NA, forcehost=FALSE, ramrequired=10, jobname=NA, cleanup=TRUE, showprofiles=FALSE, jagspath='/usr/local/bin/jags', mgridpath=system.file("xgrid","", package="runjags"), hostname=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME"), password=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD"), ...)

xgrid.submit.jags(model, max.threads=Inf, JAGSversion=">=2.0.0", email=NA, profiling=TRUE, cpuarch=NA, minosversion=NA, queueforserver=FALSE, hostnode=NA, forcehost=FALSE, ramrequired=10, jobname=NA, jagspath='/usr/local/bin/jags', mgridpath=system.file("xgrid", "", package="runjags"), hostname=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME"), password=Sys.getenv("XGRID_CONTROLLER_PASSWORD"), ...)

xgrid.results.jags(background.runjags.object, wait=TRUE, cleanup=TRUE)


a JAGS model, as would be provided to the run.jags function.
an object of class runjags, as would be provided to the extend.jags function.
an object of class runjags-bginfo, returned from the xgrid.submit.jags function.
the maximum number of tasks to split the job into.
the required JAGS version for worker nodes to be given tasks - may include '=' or '>=' to signify exact or minimum version requirements.
an email address to be used to notify of job status.
option to use ART ranking to select the most suitable host nodes preferentially.
option to restrict the job to 'ppc' or 'intel' nodes.
option to restrict the job to nodes running a minimum Mac OS version.
option to restrict the job to nodes considered to be Server machines.
option to prefer (or restrict to if forcehost==TRUE) running the job on the specified nodes - must be provided as a single character string with the colon character (:) separating node names.
option to restrict the job to only nodes specified by 'hostnode'.
the minimum amount of free RAM (obtained using an approximation) for each node to be assigned a task.
the name to give the job on Xgrid (optional).
option to remove the job from Xgrid after completion.
option to show the node scores based on the ART ranking used.
the path to JAGS on the host nodes.
the path to the local mgrid script - default uses the version installed with the runjags package.
the hostname of the Xgrid server to connect to.
the password for the Xgrid server given by hostname.
option to wait for the Xgrid job to finish if it has not already done so.
other options to be passed to the underlying run.jags family functions as if the model were being run locally.


  • Equivalent to that of the run.jags family of functions.


These functions allow JAGS models to be run on Xgrid distributed computing clusters from within R using the same syntax as required to run the models locally. All the functionality could be replicated by saving all necessary objects to files and using the Xgrid command line utility to submit and retrieve the job manually; these functions merely provide the convenience of not having to do this manually. Xgrid support is only available on Mac OS X machines running OS X 10.5-10.7 (Xgrid support was discontinued in Mac OS X 10.8).

The xgrid controller hostname and password can also be set as environmental variables. The command line version of R knows about environmental variables set in the .profile file, but unfortunately the GUI version does not and requires them to be set from within R using:



(These lines could be copied into your .Rprofile file for a 'set and forget' solution)

Note that the runjags package also contains a utility shell script called 'mgrid' that enhances the capabilities of Xgrid substantially - to install this from the command line navigate to the folder given by system.file("xgrid", package="runjags") and from the terminal type 'sudo cp /usr/local/bin/mgrid (or similar) to make the script visible in your search path. Help on the mgrid script can then be obtained by typing 'mgrid' (with no arguments) at the command line.

See Also

run.jags, autorun.jags and runjags-class for more information on JAGS models. for functions to execute user-specified functions on Xgrid.


Run this code
# run a simple model on Xgrid using a single job:

# Ensure the required environmental variables are set:

# Simulate the data
X <- 1:100
Y <- rnorm(length(X), 2*X + 10, 1)

# Model in the JAGS format
model <- "model {
for(i in 1 : N){
Y[i] ~ dnorm(true.y[i], precision);
true.y[i] <- (m * X[i]) + c;
m ~ dunif(-1000,1000);
c ~ dunif(-1000,1000);
precision ~ dexp(1);

# Run the model synchronously using the 'simple' method:
results <-, monitor=c("m", "c", 
	"precision"), data=list(N=length(X), X=X, Y=Y), n.chains=2, 
	plots = FALSE)

# Analyse the results:

# Submit a job to xgrid and (later) retrieve the results.  Use an 
# ART script to ensure the job is only sent to nodes with JAGS installed:

# Ensure the required environmental variables are set:

# Simulate the data
X <- 1:100
Y <- rnorm(length(X), 2*X + 10, 1)

# Model in the JAGS format
model <- "model {
for(i in 1 : N){
Y[i] ~ dnorm(true.y[i], precision);
true.y[i] <- (m * X[i]) + c;
m ~ dunif(-1000,1000);
c ~ dunif(-1000,1000);
precision ~ dexp(1);

# Run the model asynchronously:

name <- xgrid.submit.jags(model=model, monitor=c("m", "c", "precision"),
data=list(N=length(X), X=X, Y=Y), n.chains=2, plots = FALSE,

# Retrieve the results:
results <- xgrid.results.jags(name)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab