XML (version 3.1-1)

xmlEventParse: XML Event/Callback element-wise Parser


This is the event-driven or SAX (Simple API for XML) style parser which process XML without building the tree but rather identifies tokens in the stream of characters and passes them to handlers which can make sense of them in context. This reads and processes the contents of an XML file or string by invoking user-level functions associated with different components of the XML tree. These components include the beginning and end of XML elements, e.g and respectively, comments, CDATA (escaped character data), entities, processing instructions, etc. This allows the caller to create the appropriate data structure from the XML document contents rather than the default tree (see xmlTreeParse) and so avoids having the entire document in memory. This is important for large documents and where we would end up with essentially 2 copies of the data in memory at once, i.e the tree and the R data structure containing the information taken from the tree. When dealing with classes of XML documents whose instances could be large, this approach is desirable but a little more cumbersome to program than the standard DOM (Document Object Model) approach provided by XMLTreeParse.

Note that xmlTreeParse does allow a hybrid style of processing that allows us to apply handlers to nodes in the tree as they are being converted to R objects. This is a style of event-driven or asynchronous calling

In addition to the generic token event handlers such as "begin an XML element" (the startElement handler), one can also provide handler functions for specific tags/elements such as with handler elements with the same name as the XML element of interest, i.e. "myTag" = function(x, attrs).

When the event parser is reading text nodes, it may call the text handler function with different sub-strings of the text within the node. Essentially, the parser collects up n characters into a buffer and passes this as a single string the text handler and then continues collecting more text until the buffer is full or there is no more text. It passes each sub-string to the text handler. If trim is TRUE, it removes leading and trailing white space from the substring before calling the text handler. If the resulting text is empty and ignoreBlanks is TRUE, then we don't bother calling the text handler function.

So the key thing to remember about dealing with text is that the entire text of a node may come in multiple separate calls to the text handler. A common idiom is to have the text handler concatenate the values it is passed in separate calls and to have the end element handler process the entire text and reset the text variable to be empty.


xmlEventParse(file, handlers = xmlEventHandler(), 
               ignoreBlanks = FALSE, addContext=TRUE,
                useTagName = TRUE, asText = FALSE, trim=TRUE, 
                 useExpat=FALSE, isURL = FALSE,
                  state = NULL, replaceEntities = TRUE, validate = FALSE,
                   saxVersion = 1, branches = NULL,
                    useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers))) > 0,
                     error = xmlErrorCumulator())



  • The return value is the `handlers' argument. It is assumed that this is a closure and that the callback functions have manipulated variables local to it and that the caller knows how to extract this.


This is now implemented using the libxml parser. Originally, this was implemented via the Expat XML parser by Jim Clark (http://www.jclark.com).


http://www.w3.org/XML, http://www.jclark.com/xml

See Also

xmlTreeParse xmlStopParser XMLParserContextFunction


Run this code
fileName <- system.file("exampleData", "mtcars.xml", package="XML")

   # Print the name of each XML tag encountered at the beginning of each
   # tag.
   # Uses the libxml SAX parser.
                list(startElement=function(name, attrs){
                useTagName=FALSE, addContext = FALSE)

# Parse the text rather than a file or URL by reading the URL's contents
  # and making it a single string. Then call xmlEventParse
xmlURL <- "http://www.omegahat.org/Scripts/Data/mtcars.xml"
xmlText <- paste(scan(xmlURL, what="",sep="\n"),"\n",collapse="\n")
xmlEventParse(xmlText, asText=TRUE)

    # Using a state object to share mutable data across callbacks
f <- system.file("exampleData", "gnumeric.xml", package = "XML")
zz <- xmlEventParse(f,
                    handlers = list(startElement=function(name, atts, .state) {
                                                     .state = .state + 1
                                                 }), state = 0)

    # Illustrate the startDocument and endDocument handlers.
               handlers = list(startDocument = function() {
                                                 cat("Starting document
                               endDocument = function() {
                                                 cat("ending document
               saxVersion = 2)

if(libxmlVersion()$major >= 2) {

 startElement = function(x, ...) cat(x, "")

 xmlEventParse(file(f), handlers = list(startElement = startElement))

 # Parse with a function providing the input as needed.
 xmlConnection = 
  function(con) {

     con = file(con, "r")
   if(isOpen(con, "r"))
     open(con, "r")

   function(len) {

     if(len < 0) {

      x = character(0)
      tmp = ""
    while(length(tmp) > 0 && nchar(tmp) == 0) {
      tmp = readLines(con, 1)
      if(length(tmp) == 0)
      if(nchar(tmp) == 0)
        x = append(x, "")
        x = tmp
    if(length(tmp) == 0)
    x = paste(x, collapse="")


 ff = xmlConnection(f)
 xmlEventParse(ff, handlers = list(startElement = startElement))

  # Parse from a connection. Each time the parser needs more input, it
  # calls readLines(<con>, 1)
 xmlEventParse(file(f),  handlers = list(startElement = startElement))

  # using SAX 2
 h = list(startElement = function(name, attrs, namespace, allNamespaces){ 
                                 cat("Starting", name,"")
          endElement = function(name, uri) {
                          cat("Finishing", name, "")
 xmlEventParse(system.file("exampleData", "namespaces.xml", package="XML"), handlers = h, saxVersion = 2)

 # This example is not very realistic but illustrates how to use the
 # branches argument. It forces the creation of complete nodes for
 # elements named <b> and extracts the id attribute.
 # This could be done directly on the startElement, but this just
 # illustrates the mechanism.
 filename = system.file("exampleData", "branch.xml", package="XML")
 b.counter = function() {
                nodes <- character()
                f = function(node) { nodes <<- c(nodes, xmlGetAttr(node, "id"))}
                list(b = f, nodes = function() nodes)

  b = b.counter()
  invisible(xmlEventParse(filename, branches = b["b"]))

  filename = system.file("exampleData", "branch.xml", package="XML")
  invisible(xmlEventParse(filename, branches = list(b = function(node) {print(names(node))})))
  invisible(xmlEventParse(filename, branches = list(b = function(node) {print(xmlName(xmlChildren(node)[[1]]))})))

  # Stopping the parser mid-way and an example of using XMLParserContextFunction.

  startElement =
  function(ctxt, name, attrs, ...)  {
      if(name == "rewriteURI") {
           cat("Terminating parser
  class(startElement) = "XMLParserContextFunction"  
  endElement =
  function(name, ...) 
    cat("ending", name, "")

  fileName = system.file("exampleData", "catalog.xml", package = "XML")
  xmlEventParse(fileName, handlers = list(startElement = startElement, endElement = endElement))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab