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plotMCMC (version 2.0-0)

xpar: MCMC Results for Model Parameters


Markov chain Monte Carlo results from stock assessment of cod (Gadus morhua) in Icelandic waters, showing estimated model parameters.





Data frame containing 1000 rows and 8 columns:

R0 average virgin recruitment
Rinit initial recruitment scaler
uinit initial harvest rate
cSleft left-side slope of commercial selectivity curve
cSfull age at full commercial selectivity
sSleft left-side slope of survey selectivity curve
sSfull age at full survey selectivity


Each column contains the results of 1 million MCMC iterations, after thinning to every 1000th iteration.

The MCMC analysis started at the best fit, so no burn-in period was discarded.


Fournier, D. A., Skaug, H. J., Ancheta, J., Ianelli, J., Magnusson, A., Maunder, M. N., Nielsen, A., and Sibert, J. (2012) AD Model Builder: using automatic differentiation for statistical inference of highly parameterized complex nonlinear models. Optimization Methods and Software 27, 233--249.

Magnusson, A., Punt, A. E., and Hilborn, R. (2013) Measuring uncertainty in fisheries stock assessment: the delta method, bootstrap, and MCMC. Fish and Fisheries 14, 325--342.

See Also

xpar (parameters), xrec (recruitment), xbio (biomass), and xpro (projected future biomass) are MCMC data frames to explore.

plotMCMC-package gives an overview of the package.


Run this code
plotTrace(xpar, xlab="Iterations", ylab="Parameter value",
plotTrace(xpar$R0, axes=TRUE, div=1000)

plotAuto(xpar$R0, thin=10)
plotAuto(xpar, lag.max=50, ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

plotCumu(xpar$R0, main="R0")
plotCumu(xpar$cSfull, main="cSfull")
plotCumu(xpar, probs=c(0.25,0.75), ann=FALSE, axes=FALSE)

plotSplom(xpar, pch=".")

plotDens(xpar, xlab="Parameter value", ylab="Posterior density\n")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab