HH (version 1.8)

xysplom: scatterplot matrix with potentially different sets of variables on the rows and columns.


scatterplot matrix with potentially different sets of variables on the rows and columns. The slope or regression coefficient for simple least squares regression can be displayed in the strip label for each panel.


xysplom(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'formula':
xysplom(x, data = sys.parent(), na.action = na.pass, ...)

## S3 method for class 'default':
xysplom(x, y=x, group, relation="free",
        x.relation=relation, y.relation=relation,
        xlim.in=NULL, ylim.in=NULL,
        corr=FALSE, beta=FALSE, abline=corr||beta, digits=3,
        x.between=NULL, y.between=NULL,
        between.in=list(x=x.between, y=y.between),
          x=list(relation=x.relation, alternating=FALSE),
          y=list(relation=y.relation, alternating=FALSE)),
        pch=16, cex=.75,
        panel.input=panel.xysplom, ...,


In the "formula" method, a formula. In the "default" method, a data.frame
other arguments to xyplot.
See na.action in R, na.exclude in S-Plus. Defaults to na.pass because xyplot does sensible things with mi
In the "default" method, a data.frame with the same number of rows as the data.frame in x.
In the "default" method, a data.frame with the same number of rows as the data.frame in x.
relation, x.relation, y.relation,scales.in
Alternate ways to get to the scales(relation=) arguments to xyplot.
xlim.in, ylim.in
Alternate ways to get to the scales(limits=) arguments to xyplot.
corr, beta
Display the correlation and/or the regression coefficient for lm(y ~ x) for each panel in an additional strip label.
logical. If TRUE, draw the least squares regression line within each panel. By default the abline is FALSE unless at least one of corr or beta is TRUE.
number of significant digits for the correlation coefficient.
x.between, y.between, between.in
Alternate ways to get to the between= argument to xyplot.
strip function that knows how to handle the corr and beta displays.
pch, cex
arguments to xyplot
panel function used by xyplot within each panel. When abline==FALSE, the default panel function calls panel.xyplot. When abline==TRUE, the default panel function calls panel.xyplot
When cartesian==TRUE, the cartesian product of the left-hand side number of variables and the right-hand side number of variables defines the number of panels in the display. When cartesian==FALSE, each variable in the l
Defaults to TRUE. See details.


  • When plot=TRUE (the normal setting), the "trellis" object containing the graph. When plot=FALSE, the restructured data that must be sent to the xyplot function.


The argument plot=TRUE is the normal setting and then the function returns a "trellis" object. When the argument plot=FALSE, the function returns the argument list that would otherwise be sent to xyplot. This list is interesting when the function xysplom was designed because the function works by restructuring the input data and running xyplot on the restructured data.


Heiberger, Richard M. and Holland, Burt (2004b). Statistical Analysis and Data Display: An Intermediate Course with Examples in S-Plus, R, and SAS. Springer Texts in Statistics. Springer. ISBN 0-387-40270-5.

See Also

xyplot in R.


Run this code
## xysplom syntax options

tmp <- data.frame(y=rnorm(12), x=rnorm(12), z=rnorm(12), w=rnorm(12),
tmp2 <- tmp[,1:4]

xysplom(y ~ x , data=tmp)

xysplom(y ~ x + w , data=tmp)
xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp)

xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp, corr=TRUE)
xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp, beta=TRUE)
xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp, corr=TRUE, beta=TRUE)
xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp, abline=TRUE)
xysplom(y + w ~ x , data=tmp, corr=TRUE, abline=FALSE)

xysplom(y ~ x | g, data=tmp)
xysplom(y ~ x | g, data=tmp, layout=c(2,1))

xysplom(y + x ~ z | g, data=tmp)
xysplom(y + x ~ z | g, data=tmp, layout=c(2,2))
xysplom(y ~ x + z | g, data=tmp)
xysplom(y ~ x + z | g, data=tmp, layout=c(2,2))

xysplom(w + y ~ x + z, data=tmp)
xysplom(w + y ~ x + z | g, data=tmp)
xysplom(w + y ~ x + z | g, data=tmp, layout=c(2,4))

xysplom(w + y ~ x + z, data=tmp, cartesian=FALSE)
xysplom(w + y + x ~ z, data=tmp, cartesian=FALSE)

xysplom(w + y ~ x + z, data=tmp, scales=list(relation="same"))
xysplom(w + y ~ x + z, data=tmp, x.relation="same")

xysplom(~ y + x + z , data=tmp)
xysplom(~ y + x + z | g, data=tmp)
xysplom(~ y + x + z , data=tmp, corr=TRUE)
xysplom(~ y + x + z | g, data=tmp, corr=TRUE)
xysplom(~ y + x + z | g, data=tmp, corr=TRUE, digits=2)
xysplom(~ y + x + z | g, data=tmp, corr=TRUE, layout=c(3,6))

xysplom(~ tmp)
xysplom(~ tmp | tmp$g)
xysplom(tmp$y ~ tmp2 | tmp$g)

xysplom(g ~ x , data=tmp)
xysplom(x ~ g , data=tmp)

## Subscripting requires the x=, y= notation.
## Subscripting doesn't work with the y ~ x notation.
xysplom( ~ tmp[, c("x","y")])                   ## doesn't work
  xysplom(tmp2[, c("w","z")] ~ tmp[, c("x","y")]) ## doesn't work

## use this instead
  xysplom(x = tmp[, c("x","y")])
  xysplom(y   = tmp2[, c("w","z")],  x   = tmp[, c("x","y")])

## or, even better, use the y ~ x notation
  xysplom(~ x + y, data=tmp)
  xysplom(w + z ~ x + y, data=cbind(tmp, tmp2))

## xyplot in R has many similar capabilities with xysplom
       xyplot(w + z ~ x + y, data=tmp, outer=TRUE)

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